Pay Attention to What’s Inside, and Create More Time.

“Time is not a thief” is a famous quotation from Lewis Carroll’s wonderful story of Alice in Wonderland.
And the wonderful discovery really is that time does not stand on its own. Time is dependent on celestial bodies and universal forces for its creation. It is a byproduct of the bigger picture.
Nevertheless, we insist on putting so much blame on time.
We are stressed about time.
We worry we don’t have enough time.
We measure how much time it takes us to change.
We’re anxious for time to pass when we’re in pain or bored.
Just as time is not the source but the result of a relationship between celestial bodies, it is also not the source for our difficulties but the result of a relationship between our inner and outer worlds.
To make more time, you don’t need time-management charts or time-management coaches.
When we try to manage our internal lives with the same tools we use for dealing with our external daily lives — order, organization and rational thinking — we miss something very important.
I find that the more I pay attention to what’s happening to me right now, to what takes up my heart’s attention, the more my inner density changes. It becomes more spacious.
Living in constant lack of patience towards ourselves and the world around us comes through expressions like:
“I can’t do what I want to because I have a job and a family… I’ll get there when I retire,” or
“If I won’t do the laundry, it won’t be done by itself.”
We simply turn time into a guillotine, and lay our own heads on the block voluntarily.
However convincing you find these reasons, these are not the thieves of your time.
They are merely concrete, but still not practical, calculations we produce in order to negotiate the relationship between our inner and outer worlds, to give ourselves an explanation as to why we avoid a meeting with ourselves.
When you turn a blind eye to exaggerated demands at work which are not aligned with your heart, you place a clamp on the artery of your feelings.
When you check your email and Facebook all the time to see what has changed, you are ignoring a constant lack of satisfaction and restlessness that lives within you.
When you focus your attention relentlessly on a future that hasn’t been lived yet, you are turning an indifferent critical back on your current needs.
There is nothing more satisfying than paying attention to the feeling that is holding an inner conversation with us right now.
For that, we don’t need time, only to pay attention.
Paying attention to that which hurts us, confuses us, fills us with joy or passion, creates an inner sigh of relief — in doing so, finally a whole life living inside us gets some attention.
Paying attention to what’s happening here and now is simple and accessible to anyone, regardless of income, how many children you have, or how much laundry is waiting for you at home.
Time is merely a symptom, a side effect (positive or negative) of a relationship between natural forces.
So, instead of making time… finding time… clearing time…
… we can simply pay attention to that which we truly find right now in our hearts.
Shelly Sharon speaks to your soul through the elements of the universe. Driven to speak with animals and Mother Earth, committed to writing from the heart, creativity manifests through her every gesture. A spiritual teacher who invites you to look into your own experience, to find the Love that you are, to shine through your truest passions and beauty. She has experienced life as a dancer, researcher, businesswoman, and more, Shelly finally released the nightingale of dissatisfaction simply by becoming who she deeply is. Born in Israel, Shelly has been a nomad for three years, two of which have been in the East. She lives in Zurich with her soulmate and two white cats. For more about Shelly, visit her website, or follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
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