Rebelle Society

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Where Do We Go from Here: On Race and Privilege.

  “Justice will not be served until those that are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”  ~ Benjamin Franklin Race and white privilege have been at the forefront of my thoughts since watching the riots in Charlottesville. These issues are nothing new, and are certainly not  ...

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Why We Need to Break the Cycle of Hate.

Do we keep giving our anger the chance to turn into hate? Or do we take time to examine our emotions, ask ourselves why we are this angry, take an honest look at our experiences and the beliefs we hold, and then use our anger to fuel our actions and consciously choose a better life?

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The World Needs Your Outrage.

The congregation of white nationalists in Charlottesville, which resulted in the death of Heather Heyer and subsequent terrorizing of her family, is indeed a wake-up call. If this does not spark our outrage, what will?

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