Learn not to judge the homeless, the divorced, the childless women, the addicts, the mentally ill. We all f*** up at some point. They had dreams too, and are not weird because they defaulted from convention. Simply, through no fault of their own, their plans just did not work out. But a greater ...
Distance away has morphed me into a calmer version of me, and unlocked my gifts. My roots that once attempted to tangle me up in a conspired plot are begging for my newfound essence to nourish them.
Where you live is like a relationship with a partner. You have to be ready for the connection, unblinkered to the other’s imperfections, and draw only the good from them.
When my psychiatrist diagnosed me at a tender age, he cried. He knew then I was damned, written off, and would incur the wrath of society. For many years, I would struggle with that diagnosis, shirking all ambition, but somehow, in my human spirit, hope was not extinguished.
With no tears streaming down my face now, I realize I have been given the gift of creating a new dream with all its beautiful intricacies. Unformed, and yet to be unleashed into existence.