Rebelle Society

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you & me

Your Vulnerability Is Your Superpower.

Man, your emotions do not weaken you. They increase your worth, and provide you energy to do your daily tasks. They are your strength. Woman, your vulnerability and sensitive side are not your detriments. They are your superpower. Do not use tactics and manipulation to avoid them, you are not  ...

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I Am a Dangerous Man.

We do the best we can; I understand completely. But for the love of god, or whatever deity you do or do not choose to follow, and all that is holy and righteous in the world, look inward when seeking a label. Look inward, and realize that labels are, in fact, generated by label-makers. A  ...

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He Called Me By My True Name.

People will try to label you with their words. Whether they come from situations they experienced with you or not. Words formed by their perception of the world and formed by their own beliefs.

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