Rebelle Society

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How Meditating On My Death Changed My Life.

I kept seeing my life from a backwards perspective, one of being at the end of my days and looking at the line of my life. Was it of value? Was I of value? Did the people I love know that I loved them? Did I spend enough time with them, showing them that love? Did I contribute anything to the  ...

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Where Do You Find Time To Write?

Find some way of earning money that is not selling your books until you make it, otherwise your writing becomes stressful and there is pressure to write the next piece that will make a few dollars, as opposed to focusing on your magnum opus every morning and night in between working.

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Living Your Dream Takes Courage.

Their negativity wasn’t about me, it was about them. A well-adjusted person who is doing what they love never feels threatened. They celebrate other people’s success and push them to soar higher. Those who can’t be happy for you, feel threatened.

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