Rebelle Society

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Framed in Light: The Radical Identitarian Right.

  The headlights illuminated a spiral of fiery brown, twisting dangerously around the interrogating beam, lacing it in a curving question. I wasn’t used to driving, and catching my own hair lit by the headlights of the car behind me filled me with sudden dread. The road was a coiling, dark  ...

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Grieving Under an Invisibility Cloak.

It seems to me that the cloak of invisibility worn by those invisibly grieving is no less than a superhero’s cape. While tossing and turning on mourning’s high seas, it can take Herculean strength to simply get out of bed some days. It can take immense strength to acknowledge that one must amp  ...

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Authenticity: Inhabiting Wildly Tender Revolution.

Congruent authenticity happens in the guts and bowels of your life. Being authentic is the grunt-work of the soul, of any deeply human, spiritual path. Being half here, half there, halfhearted, faking it to look good, strategizing to make things easier for your self — that’s the common way of  ...

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The Unquenchable Magic Of My Dreams Of Failure.

Perhaps my fascination with the Ivies is down to the fact that as I matured and worked outside the academy, I realized that the attraction of Ivy League networking is that one likely gets, there, the most holla for one's dollar in terms of tuition. Since I've left, I myself no longer have  ...

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