Rebelle Society

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We Teach Best What We Most Need To Learn.

... next time you have the inspiration to create/write/paint/say something but don’t -- because you feel like you’re not good enough, not worthy enough, not experienced enough, not consistent enough, not perfect enough -- do it anyway.

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you & me

The Spaces Of Loneliness.

We won’t forget the unrelatable moments of emptiness. When the freedom we had once brandished as a flag turned into a freezing sword of guilt, of having left what we once had. When the fog around us got too thick, too thick to see anything, when fear knocked back on our doors, to suck all our  ...

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you & me

The Question At The Corner Of My Heart.

I could kiss the space between your eyebrows until the world turns to ashes around us, I could wrap my legs around you and touch your lips and stroke your hair until the sky turns purple and the sea overtakes the land and we are the only things left on the Earth.

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