A New Year’s Manifesto To Kickstart The New You.

2015 was a beautiful year — horrific at times, extraordinary in others. I cracked and imploded, excelled and evolved. I wasted broken tears on the cruel.
I was kicked when I was down, but I got up every time. I kept laughing and I kept moving. I connected with strangers, found abandoned beauty in the gutters of my soul, and soared wildly while stumbling blindly.
I did good work, made good friends, and met adversity time and time again, but I got by, I got going, and I’m still smiling, still humble. I’m grateful for it all, for the nightmares that sharpened my dreams, the fears that bolstered my bravery, and the dead-ness that made me feel alive.
I’m better than who I was a year ago, and although I don’t know what this year holds, I am certain of one thing: I am going to absolutely slaughter it.
What about you? Do you need a resolution for 2016?
Borrow mine.
It’s short, simple, and straight to the point.
It’s inspiring and achievable, doable and believable.
My resolution is a revolution.
If I want to change my world, I need to change myself, so this year I am going to dropkick my doubts on the chin, kick my past in the ass — Ka-Pow! — and choose to live truly and brightly right here in the now.
This year, I’m going to devour my dreams, manifest the shit out of some abundance, and gobsmack the world with how sensational I am.
This year, I choose to prioritize myself. Healthy helpful habits? Check — but with a stronger mindset, one that accepts and accelerates towards truths that grow my soul, so I can show that in 2016, I am a battle cry, a stubborn light, a whispered riot ready to transform words and wonder into a personal magic wand.
Another year with new fears, challenges, and obstacles to overcome?
Bring. It. Fucking. On.
This year, I dream big, and I do more. This year, I lean in and become a person I adore. This year, I live the life I think about when I lie in bed at night, the life that would make me jealous if I saw it walking by along the sidewalk of my mind.
In 2016, I’m going to go ahead and kick some ass, I’m going to go ahead and make some memories, I’m going to go ahead and put up the fight of my life in the fight for my life.
I’m done bitching and moaning, I’m sick of complaints, and I’m tired of being tired.
This is the year of no more whining. This is the year of no more crying or cursing or cowering from the things I fear and feel. Today, I become an active participant, not merely a scared spectator hiding on the sidelines. Today, I burn with passion and persistence, and refuse to give in to excuses or resistance.
Today, I can be whomever the hell I want to be, and I will, I shall, I must.
It starts now, right now, today.
And I don’t have to feel ready to be ready.
Let’s do this.
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