
Why We Are Unmistakably Love. {poetry}


You send me on a spree of braided passions,
Hanging on my worries I conquer the most.
Alone, so we are both, I am the strongest!
I am Icarus never burnt at any height!
If happily ever after ends every story, this one starts.

No need to offer me your soul and ether,
I’m slathered in your longing looks and tasteful requests
Flavorful allures are banal without you.
Don’t speak your mind, your loins would thrust
And rest your demons’ doleful bursts.

Stain your skin with blister rust
And don my unbidden smears of lust
Or love? They can no longer be told apart.
I am strong and weak, all and nothing
I am wet and dry, here and going.

To no degree is it by only you or only me —
Not this long unrequited, and a healthy dose of disgust.
No we, yet constantly you; constantly me.
No conclusion, no need to agree.
We have each other, it is accomplished!


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Tet Gallardo

Tet Gallardo

Tet Gallardo is a survivor of addiction to tragic narratives with sordid characters. She now seeks out the happy stories behind sad, droopy eyes; marvels at human endeavors; formulates quests with grandiose questions; and burnishes dulled dreams by disturbing obsolete self-concepts. She will be ordained church minister in the Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith in April 2013. She is a professional motivational speaker, leadership trainer, facilitator, and mediator. Her legendarily inexhaustible energy is fueled by awe, love, and inspiration drawn from spirited acts of kindness.
Tet Gallardo

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