Wasted hours. {poetry}
Photo: www.photographycorner.com.
By Jessica Bundy.
I saw you in the moon…
The way your face glowed
Out of the gloom;
I saw you standing
In the trees,
I felt peace.
It was not you,
But something there
That made me stop
… And watch and stare;
The way all light seemed
To shimmer in the leaves.
(How I wish I could have stayed
And married the sun and stars
In the ceremonial hush
Of wasted hours).
Hours passed like days
Between sunrise
And your wanting embrace;
I may have lost
A lot along the way,
I may have only lost those few days.
Yet summer does not end,
Instead she impregnates fields
And all who wend their way
Beneath her dewy heel;
There is no cycle left,
There is only birth, no death.
(How I wish I could have stayed
And married the sun and stars
In the ceremonial hush
Of wasted hours).
Jessica Bundy is a folk singer-songwriter from Toronto, Canada. When she is not writing and performing songs, she can be found engaging in various other creative pursuits. Sharing her writing and affecting people, both through music and through the written word, has become a deeply cherished part of Jessica’s life. You could contact Jessica via email, Facebook or her website.