A Human is Born…
{Human fetus art ~ Via Tumblr ~ Original Source: Unknown}
By Cedah Mayo.
The majority of women shall deliver their young, roaring like a lion and bearing down with the strength of a bear itself. The body of a woman — forever the passage for human life to enter our planet.
My Husband pressed his strength against my bent legs, as I lay on the delivery bed. Whooshes of intense agony came propelling down the base of my spine; I moan tones loud and focused, riding the wave of a contraction.
Ambushed by emotions, my body shudders and a cry came from deep within. Tears erupted like a sudden downpour, a thunderstorm in the middle of summer. I was minutes away from meeting my Son.
The large clock in the center of the wall was the first thing I noticed entering the delivery room on the Friday afternoon, this was my third child, but the first time I was hospitalized for a birth. The baby snuggled firmly in my womb was seven days over-due and showing signs of distress, possibly the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.
Nervous energy travelled through my body, it felt like each and every cell had warning blinkers flashing. Although my body signaled high alert I knew I was in the right place in case of complications.
At 9:00 p.m. my husband and midwife left for the night and the first stage of induction begun. I swayed in the common room observing the Rugby World Cup game Wales Vs France, light with anxiety; my toes hardly touched the floor as I made my way back to the privacy of my room. Pleading for my baby to start making his journey out I paced about rocking my hips and rubbing my globe of a belly.
Please little one, come out and we can go home.
My exhausted body eventually collapsed to sleep. For how long I do not know but when I woke – I heard them.
They reached my ears, hit my conscious and grabbed a hold onto the very core of my soul whispering sharply through the keyhole of my heart. I listened.
The wails hollered down the halls. The raw emotion, the overwhelming cries of pure pain, women laboring hard. Powerful gutsy screams, rhythmic moans, animalistic sounds of women giving birth. The instinctual call of the newborn, rapidly followed by the positive mutterings of support people, doctors, midwives, nurses.
The sounds of the birthing women intravenously injected my body and soul; I wondered where these women were within themselves at this crucial moment of delivery of life. I sensed screams from a very young woman; so forceful and fearful they penetrated the very bones of the building.
Let it come, I say inside my mind to the girl down the hall. Don’t fight the pain so hard my fellow femme.
Each cell in my body a satellite receptor, acknowledged the magic and mayhem that took place throughout the night.
How strange and ironic it is….one day we are dressed in our style, wearing designer sunglasses and sending emails/text messages/images whizzing about the earth. Travelling in fast cars, jumbo jets, living in high-rise buildings with glinting windows and admiring magazines with touched up human images portraying unachievable beauty — perfectly mutated media models.
The next day we are groaning and sweating, powerful primal goddesses delivering human babies to the planet.
Almost factory like, a hospital environment like this seemed. One baby after the other, the whole epic event repeated, birth after birth, day after day, night after night.
How do the staff in here do this? Perplexed at this question I lay waiting for action from my own womb in the dimly lit room. I gained a certain satisfaction from the thought that at least one thing shall remain the same…
The majority of women shall deliver their young, roaring like a lion and bearing down with the strength of a bear itself. The body of a woman — forever the passage for human life to enter our planet.
A sea of emotions lapped and splashed through the doorways on the ward, drawing in and out like an incoming tide. What an experience. My body finally relaxed and melted gently into slumber once again.
Morning breaks in sync with my waters, the drip pumps gently in my arm. They are all here, my midwife, my husband, my mother. The rhythmic thump, thump, thump of the fetal heart monitor, loudly projects the healthy heart rate of my unborn son.
I roar and I wail, I use the arms of my Husband and Mother to push my own strength against. I bear down on my body and push, as the head crowns, “Easy…easy …” steady words from my midwife Sandy.
His head enters our world face down on the delivery bed, we hear his first cry while the rest of his body is still inside mine…how alien it seems.
Push! Push! He is out.
Quickly checked and lifted to my chest, the top of his head covered lightly with golden hair. Relief and the warmth of love fill the room.
My son is born.
“Every person is a God in Embryo. Its only desire is to be born.”
– Deepak Chopra
Cedah Mayo lives in New Zealand. She is the married mother of three beautiful children, a swimming instructor, freelance writer and animal lover. They have 6 chickens, a dog, cat and a lease pony. She loves making gluten free bliss balls and eating them all up – yum yum and dreaming of being a mermaid this summer on her local beaches. Expressing ethereal imagination to children and adults alike, as well as promoting the importance of learning to swim.