The delicate art of trusting our internal cues.
“There is a universal, intelligent, life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through our intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment.” ~ Shakti Gawain
“Please Universe, give me a sign!”… I have heard myself say these words throughout the years.
In moments of uncertainty and confusion, it is easy to look outside ourselves and desperately attempt to catch the ear of divine intervention and beg its guidance.
I have realized, however, that the times I have taken leaps and bounds in my own life are when I have completely trusted myself and gone with my own intuition. When I held my breath and just went for it because it felt inexplicably right. I have known, forgotten, and come to know again, that trusting myself will always lead me to what I need to experience and learn in order to move forward.
What fascinates me is that we are quick to respond to the external signs pointing towards our desires, but when those signs are in opposition of what we desire, we often experience anxiety and worry over things not turning out as we’d envisioned them.
What is important to remember, however, is that the signs that make us feel a bit of fear or discomfort are usually the ones that will bring us to the real place — often unbeknownst to us — that we wanted to get to all along.
We quantify good signs and bad, but do not consider that maybe sometimes, to get to where we want to be, we might have to go backwards or sideways before we can progress forward. Isn’t that what trusting the process is all about? Trusting that each step will bring us exactly where we need to be, and to learn exactly what we need to learn?
I have come to experience that the signs appearing externally from us, originate from within ourselves to begin with. What I mean is that, when we trust our internal cues, even when they are not fully known to us, the external signs are only mirroring what we already know on the inside.
All the knowledge of time and space are found within our cells, everything that we need, we already have. So why is it sometimes so very difficult to trust ourselves, to take that step forward without some external validation? If we trust our inner knowing, this will always have a powerful effect on our external environment. We shape our reality first, by listening to ourselves.
And herein lies the challenge, to become quiet enough to hear that voice within — to trust it and surrender to our own deep knowing. When we allow space and time to reflect inwards, we begin hearing what our intuition is trying to tell us.
“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” ~ Ram Dass
So quiet your mind, quiet your heart and listen… Tune into yourself. In this silence, we can hear. Follow that inner voice, gut feeling, intuition… Follow your inner compass.