Flying Free.
By Jessika Ellis.
Sitting in a cage, unaware of the unlocked door
You flew near my cage, nudged the door open for me to see the world left unseen
Sparkling eyes, warmth of love in my heart
Slowly, cautiously venturing out
I stumbled, and fell
Supported by that love in your heart
I stood on my own two feet again
Slowly I let myself fly
Small, short distances
Sometimes I hide in the shadows
Sometimes I soak in the sun
Sometimes I soar higher
Sometimes I soar lower
Braver days I fly further
When I shut my heart out
I fly in circles
When I open up with love
I fly places I’ve never seen before
Who am I?
I am me. Setting myself free.
Jessika Ellis is a full-time mother, officially venturing out into the world. Her shy little heart, slowly sharing those hidden pieces locked inside. She’s breaking those chains society’s entangled into her life, stepping outside of the cookie-cutter box expectations, kicking a wall out and spilling glitter on the paved road behind her. She’s moving forward with an open heart, and an open mind. You could get in touch with Jessika through Instagram, Facebook or email.