Unwrapping Your Inner Gift.
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Here I am. I am a product of this world. I am life. I am one of many who have been asleep. It is now my time.
I have woken up. I am finally listening, no longer with my ears and ego but with my soul, my heart. I am finally listening to the words whispered by my soul. I am ready to scream these once silent words out to the world, the Universe. If you listen hard enough, you will hear me.
I am life. What is life, but the most wonderful gift we have been given. It doesn’t matter how you believe we have been given this life. Who or how we got here is inconsequential to the fact that we are here. The simple reality is that our life was — and is — a gift. It is a gift to be opened.
Open this gift with caring hands. Be gentle and don’t rush it. This gift is too precious to be rushed. Look deep inside to find your true meaning, your true passion, your purpose. Throw out the wrapping, but be careful with the box. The box is your body.
Nourish it, love it, feed it wholesome foods, for it protects the beauty that is inside.
Inside is a light that shines. When you find your light, you find enlightenment, and the doubt, anger, ignorance, and fear disappear from your being. Inside is a voice that speaks the truth. The ultimate divine is within, ready to guide and lend a purpose to this thing called life.
Sit quietly, close your eyes and feel the pulse within. The pulse is energy that flows through your spirit. Let the good energy take over. Feel its power. If you sit quietly in stillness, the energy will radiate through your body. Let the energy travel and radiate out. This is your soul lighting the way.
If done correctly, you will feel weightless. This is your soul unencumbered by your body, the box. Feel it, love it, remember it. Don’t let this chance pass you by. Embrace it at every chance you get, for it is your true self. It is life in this realm.
Grasp life and live to your true potential, the potential of love and light. Look deep inside to find your purpose and follow the whispers. They will guide you. Trust in your life.
Now it’s your turn, sit quietly, close your eyes and live.
Rebecca Mckown is on a spiritual path to find her inner divine. She is an herbalist-in-training, a Yoga practitioner, a mother, gardener, whole foodie, chicken rancher, juicer, naturalist, and a believer in all things Love. Rebecca has been re-pursuing her love of the written word and using her words to inspire others. She spends her day with her three kids and husband, living life and following her inner path. You could contact Rebecca via her website.
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