Come to me Wild.
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By Phoenix Moonstar
Don’t come to me clean-shaven,
clear-eyed, calm and decided,
with carefully weighed options
considered and counted.
Just come to me wild.
Listless, spent and world weary.
Panting and heaving,
bloodshot and bleary.
Derelict of all purpose,
bits missing and broken,
vast talents hidden
by labors unspoken.
Let our unloved parts,
Be loved.
Soothed by the holding
of this delicate space,
between us unfolding.
While wading through the dense fog of a dark night of the soul, Phoenix Moonstar transformed her self-destructive tendencies into expressions of heart-centered poetry. Inspiration comes in the form of dreams, surrendering to the all that is and by inhabiting quiet spaces of intuition. This journey to her inner world has brought unanticipated peace, presence and purpose. You can follow Phoenix’s writing on Facebook and her blog.