Hey Femme-preneur, It’s Time to Heal Your Sex and Money Issues.
Photo courtesy: Beth Martens
Part I of V: The First Step.
Are you a rebelle-passionate creator who feels held back due to issues around sex and money?
It doesn’t have to stay that way! Find out how women entrepreneurs get past their fear of full self-expression when it comes to romantic and business relationships. And, in turn, discover joy, creativity, self-value and an empowering relationship with sex and money. In other words, learn to become the change-rocker you truly are.
Why do I work with Femme-preneurs? Because They Tell Themselves What to Do!
Everyone benefits from the gift of clarity — especially when it comes to what they are meant to create.
I love investing my time in passionate, edgy, right-brained women entrepreneurs, particularly when they have a Rebelle flair. Because femme-preneurs are called to be extra courageous with their voice and take daily risks to be seen and heard, I am attracted to their immense vulnerability, beauty and potential for having a lot of impact. No one tells them what to do, they tell themselves.
Photo courtesy: Beth Martens
Women Rule But They’re Keeping it a Secret.
The human community and the earth herself need a lot more of what women value at their core — family, children, safety and peace, good food, clean water, intimacy, emotional connections and community. On the whole, it’s been a century since women got to vote, but a woman’s worth is still being held hostage, partly in their own hearts and minds and partly in the centuries of patriarchy that has shaped our current conditions.
While women hold the potential for enormous positive change, they currently represent the smallest ka-ching in our economy, and according to the Huffington Post (Sept 19, 2011), women only make 1% of the wealth in the world.
I used to think that my decade of training in mantra and yoga in India was a powerful force. That is until I free-birthed my son (without medical intervention), which made me realize that when compared to the raw force of Life, yoga and mantra are just scratching the surface of human emotional potential. His birth and a three-year battle with cancer, both against the odds, taught me to bow down to Life itself as king… or should I say queen, because Life is the ultimate authority, power and The Voice.
Women naturally stand up for life and protect its underpinnings. Imagine what women could do if they got powerful in using money as a tool to do just that? It’s more than just related to the way we value ourselves, especially our sexuality.
Sex and Money Are Practically the Same Energy — Here’s How:
Both sex and money represent energy that can be exchanged, given, taken and received — both consciously and unconsciously. They both spark passion, can ignite conflict, cause huge emotional triggers and not surprisingly, are surrounded by complex and unspoken cultural taboos.
After surviving my corporate hangover in 2002, I totally rejected anything to do with business and went full time into my lifework as a spiritual artist. I never expected to coach women about money and business, despite two decades of experience. Similarly, after being raped as a teenager, and then having a sexually abusive guru in India, I rejected sex for nearly a decade. A stage four lymphoma was how I unconsciously created the urgency to bring healing change into my life, and little did I know it was my Rebelle voice coming up with a roar.
When I turned it all around through archetype healing work and survived the ordeals around my health, spirit and sexuality, I saw through the illusion of loss and gain, give and take and the exchange of energy.
In reality, there is no money, there are only relationships. There is no sexual intimacy, there are only relationships. There are no struggles over power and control, there are only relationships. And there are no relationships, there is only the soul evolving itself collectively through each being.
Surviving cancer and sexual abuse taught me where there’s a loss of energy, there’s an archetypal root — meaning there’s an archetype gone unconscious. Many couples turn away from what would be true intimacy because sooner or later they meet their shadows. And many entrepreneurs don’t grow to their next level because they come up against their unconscious and dis-empowered voices about money.
By working out our issues with the second chakra around personal power, including our biggest triggers about sex and money, women get to claim the keys to the fifth chakra creative queen-dom.
Photo courtesy: Beth Martens
The Dangers of Leading a Double Life…
I nearly died leading a double life… marketing and communication VP by day and spiritual guide, artist and bad-ass liberator by night. I had a real life where I did what I loved, and I had my fake life where I did what I “had” to do to earn a living.
Nearly dying of it, I was forced to give up those fake parts of my life that drained my energy, whether they were personal or professional, because they were out of alignment with my true voice.
Now I choose a more integrated, “it’s all me” experience.
I used to hide my vulnerabilities behind my professional life, whereas now I use it to highlight my personal experiences, to turn my pains into the gains of women who do not have clarity about their life purpose.
Leading a double life caused me to lose everything and nearly my life too, so I brought all my loves, passions, gifts and talents together under one roof. The key is knowing what is important to me — emotionally and spiritually, my archetypes and my soul’s voice — and knowing what is not.
Photo courtesy: Beth Martens
Every journey of a thousand miles began with a single step. Do you want to embark on your journey to become fully self expressed and make big changes in your life? Or does it feel like you are stuck in the mud, life is making big changes in you and all you can muster up some days is a whisper? It doesn’t have to stay like that…
Stay tuned for more of this 5-part journey.
Sign up for a complimentary Make Love with Money teleclass with Beth Martens here.