Move Toward Creative Empowerment Vs. Throwing It Away At the Feet of Swine.
Courtesy: Beth Martens
This article is Part III of a V-part series: Creative Empowerment.
Learn to Use the Chakra System as a Map Toward Creative Empowerment
Chakras are a system for mapping the complexities of the body, soul and the many different kinds of human experiences from the obvious to the most subtle. Said in another way, chakras can provide you with insight to your emotions, behaviors, thoughts and archetypes.
Learning to see how the archetypes show up in the chakra centers will show you where you might be losing your inspiration, where you are weak, where you are strong and where exactly obstacles lay.
My focus is to help women entrepreneurs create a dialogue for discovering the value of their life’s work. This requires work in the second and fifth chakras as it pertains strongly to the health of our relationships.
Healthy relationships (second chakra energy) means we have a strong foundation for unleashing the power of the fifth (throat) chakra. This is where our creativity is sourced. Unleashing or tapping into this source requires that we go deeper than the give-and-take approach, the standard of most of our one-on-one relationships.
In a nutshell, what all of this means is that we’ll clear away obstacles so that our energy can rise along the chakras, up through the heart and into the throat so that we can really sing our passions.
Unconditional Loving and Giving
While give-and-take are important for every person to learn, we won’t truly be satisfied and happy if we remain in that paradigm our whole lives. This is because the soul-level transformation we crave comes through intimacy. What this means is that instead of behaving in the world via loss and gain, where we behave separately from one another, we instead experience ourselves as we really are…one.
We typically get stuck in our quest for intimacy because we are trapped in this model of exchange — we haven’t graduated yet to Unconditional Love. It is also important to recognize that it would be oversimplifying to say ‘out with the model exchange’ and ‘in with unconditional giving’…
There is an evolution in our mind and heart that leads naturally to Unconditional Love. It is gained through the basics of honor. When we learn the model of exchange, to give-and-take, we get to establish and practice having healthy boundaries about our personal energy, especially around our money and our sexuality.
It is naive, however, to do it with just anyone. To throw the pearls of unconditional giving at the ‘feet of swine’ or, in other words, those who are unconscious of the gift of it, who have not learned honorable exchange, who are unable to hold the opportunity precious, or able to protect the vulnerability of the unconditional giver and lover — we lose instead of gain.
Entrepreneurs and Intimacy
The more we cultivate intimacy in our relationships, the easier it is to have profound connection through business and money. A conscious voice about money also means more sexual energy will flow too.
As an archetype and self-expression coach, I help women get past their fears of being fully self-expressed in their businesses. In doing so, I experience deep levels of intimacy between myself and my clients. They honor me with trust, share deeply about their experiences and deepest fears around money, relationships and creations, and ultimately these women are ready to see how their passions can generate the wealth to make them vibrant — and be of benefit to many.
In the words of a young woman entrepreneur with whom I coach,
“I received the gift of exploring my sacred money archetypes with Beth Martens and it was a truly magical and enlightening experience. My journey with her allowed me to understand and embrace my archetypes and not experience the shame and guilt – which would be a common facet of my relationship with finances. My time with her energetically elevated my vibrational state. I felt a lightness, calmness, and truth carry through her voice that immediately allowed me to receive her information on an intuitive level free of negative frequencies intervening. It was my good fortune and honor to share this experience with a woman whose life work is to help others actualize their true potential! Thank you Beth! I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to perceive information about myself in such an empowering way!”
We will face rejection from time-to-time, so we have to be willing to put our egos aside. In turn we must put ourselves out there and be held responsible for the outcomes. As women entrepreneurs we have to make ourselves über vulnerable, and that is what breeds many intimate relations and creates a fertile ground for empowerment that is sustained via the removal of obstacles, the creation of healthy boundaries, and moving beyond a stagnant give-and-take approach.
Read Part I: Hey Femme-preneur, It’s Time to Heal Your Sex and Money Issues.
Read Part II: How to Make Money Doing Your Life’s Work — 3 Steps.
Stay tuned for the rest of this 5-part journey.
Are you a rebelle-passionate creator who feels held back due to issues around sex and money?
It doesn’t have to stay that way! Find out how women entrepreneurs get past their fear of full self-expression when it comes to romantic and business relationships. And, in turn, discover joy, creativity, self-value and an empowering relationship with sex and money. In other words, learn to become the change-rocker you truly are.
Why do I work with Femme-preneurs? Because They Tell Themselves What to Do!
Everyone benefits from the gift of clarity — especially when it comes to what they are meant to create.
I love investing my time in passionate, edgy, right-brained women entrepreneurs, particularly when they have a Rebelle flair. Because femme-preneurs are called to be extra courageous with their voice and take daily risks to be seen and heard, I am attracted to their immense vulnerability, beauty and potential for having a lot of impact. No one tells them what to do, they tell themselves.
Sign up for a complimentary Make Love with Money teleclass with Beth Martens here.