In This Kiss.
{Photo via Pinterest}
By Melody Rose Mammino
If I could kiss you,
at that desperate hour
of pain’s rich delight,
in that moment
of raw darkness,
I’d show you my light.
In a kiss.
It’s in a kiss
where I will take you,
into my world
down below.
Where flowers
once cheerfully sang,
underneath the blanketed
chill of ice cold snow.
I would open my mouth
and breathe my love
upon your ear,
lessen the hungry
cries within.
Hold your hand
through your darkness,
as you say hello
to my sin.
Where do I end?
Where do you begin?
I ask myself,
as I wonder…
As this kiss sweeps me
up above those
dark blistery clouds.
It’s here in this moment
I find you.
It’s in this kiss.
A union of two hearts searching
through the dark decay of memory.
It’s here where I love you.
In this kiss, you make me brave.
‘Tis but a moment,
a fraction in time,
these moments so few.
The raw recollection
of things I once knew,
but didn’t,
not until now.
Not until this moment,
where I let you sweep me away.
Into the passion
of our desperate longing.
All thought goes away.
So kiss me.
Kiss me right now
before I fall asleep again.
My passion,
my dream,
my longing,
my friend…
Melody is a wild flower, a rose… she has moments of epiphany, moments of prose…. but sometimes she just forgets… She is raw and exposed. A human. A rebel. She is… She just is. She’s just like you… trying to find her way through the mist and the fog — into something that is real.