10 Signs You Are Afraid of Making Money.
Photo: courtesy of Beth Martens (right) — Sherry Rothwell (left)
A Rebelle Interview with Femme-Preneurs Beth Martens and Sherry Rothwell.
What compelled the two of you to come together, collaborate and offer such potent topics to the world?
What attracted us to one another is that we both have a very strong passion for our life’s work — and working together makes what we do even more fun.
We started out by co-creating a live work and play culture that included meeting the needs of our young children while building our businesses and pursuing our dreams. On a day-to-day basis that would look like anything from picking up each others kids from school, making dinner together, or one of us preparing the evening meal while the other furiously typed up our co-creations. We had play dates, work dates and fun dates!
Not only did we consciously collaborate and help each other, but we were both heavily and personally invested in each other’s success. There is nothing like having someone by your side who truly cares and understands what it takes to be successful and no greater pleasure than to celebrate both the joys and overcoming the challenges together.
Working side-by-side has enabled our young children to thrive with constant companionship and having their needs met in community. While many hands make for light work, two is all it requires to take a load off.
We also share a passion for learning, growing and being challenged through high-level coaching to stretch ourselves and our work to the next level. We are always enrolled in something in order to bring our clients the most current and best business mentoring and marketing training possible.
During our travels and over a delicious buffet breakfast featuring champagne and chocolate, we downloaded a vision for a business mentorship and marketing training program that was everything we always wanted for ourselves, but could never find.
From our vision came the core intent and message: to help women create businesses in a pleasurable way and to operate them so that they flow with their natural rhythms, desires and preferences – in essence creating a whole new model for how women do business.
Our vision is that women entrepreneurs, femme-preneurs as we call them, will change the culture through conscious business endeavors. With one caveat, that the process not only be passion driven, but prosperous and pleasurable too, as we believe the means is the end.
It is very important to us that women take care of themselves in the process and not martyr themselves to their cause. Every step of the way, we ask ourselves how we can make each task in our business a pleasure and help our women to do the same.
How does one overcome “It’s not the right time syndrome”?
One question: Have you ever really felt like it was the right time?
A baby takes steps before mastering walking, sometimes long before, and not the other way around. Readiness didn’t make walking possible, steps did. The next step only reveals itself, once the step before it is taken.
We have to realize that if we consult with our ego about making change, taking courageous action, stepping into our power and having a totally authentic voice, the ego is always going to say it’s not a good time. That’s because ego has the job of keeping us what it considers to be safe: not taking risks, making sure we don’t stretch out of our comfort zone or threaten the status quo.
The second way to get over perpetually feeling that this is not the right time is to realize that no matter how great the work of art that it’s never really done.
The universe is so beautifully designed that no matter how accomplished we become, there is always somewhere new to grow. Just watch nature. It is relentlessly growing, changing, shifting, dying, letting go and being born again.
We never finish growing our soul.
So no matter where you are at in your process, you have something to offer. Maybe you are not “ready” to offer something to everyone, but it will be the right time to offer something to someone, even if that someone is only one person.
It’s the very act of offering and giving it away, getting past your fear that it’s not the right time, that you’re not ready, that allows you to grow to the next place — and give others permission to do the same.
Why the name Venus Rising and what is the connection to Venus?
As a goddess, Venus represents the Divine feminine in a special way. She is the embodiment of the feminine rebel, the Rebelle. Make no mistake she’s a fighter, but she does it with her truth, her art, her love and her beauty. She is the bringer of prosperity, change and enormous sensual pleasure who brings about change by her simple presence.
She is born of the ocean, of the emotions, facilitating the flow of life, making human feelings and experience fluid and lucid. She is the destroyer of the resistance, the emotions and beliefs that keep one stuck in old ways that no longer serve.
Her’s is the domain of sensual pleasure, joy and freedom through prosperity.
For us this program represents an opportunity for women to make changes in their life work so that it truly does bring them a direct experience of being this Venus aspect of the Divine, and actually have joy, pleasure and prosperity while creating the world they want without asking for permission.
The one question we hear over and over from our audience is, “How can I bring the whole of me into my business?”
Some have trouble deciding what to do because they think it eliminates doing all the other things they love.
It actually starts by giving yourself permission to create a whole new business that never existed before, which is why we think that being a rebelle is so essential for success. Your dream, your life’s work doesn’t exist yet — you get to create it.
How you can incorporate all your passions into your work and then express them through your work?
Whatever vision comes to you — you alone are capable of creating that vision because it came to you.
Anything you love to do, show, and share can become part of your marketing. Because marketing is really about being able to speak your truth, share your pleasure and invite people to take a journey with you.
To help women do that, we guide our clients to create highly marketable services and products, bringing together everything that they love, are passionate about and in conjunction where they have natural credibility through their life experience or expert training.
We are now both living examples of this. Our life experience has perfectly positioned us to do work with the kind of women we want to attract. The process of building a dream business shows us there has never been any time wasted and truly no mistakes on the path we’ve walked.
When we reclaim all the parts of ourselves that we have neglected, disowned, diminished or been in resistance to — when we merge with them we claim ownership of more of who we truly are, we turn our quirks into perks and step into our power as the Divine Feminine.
Why/how is beauty a component of business and relationships?
Rebel-passionates are making a difference in the world through their truth, their art and their beauty.
Beauty becomes the frame and the centrepiece of all the work. Beauty walks in line with natural order, present time and circular time, like the ebbing and flowing of the moon and the daily, weekly and seasonal rhythms, beauty is in tune with our truth and intrinsic nature.
In fact, when it comes to having your passion be your business, following your bliss, beauty and truth take you exactly where you need to go. If something is beautiful it attracts us naturally and we don’t have to struggle or fight to find it. What allures us will also set us free and be of service without pushing and forcing. And by the same token we attract our perfect clients by radiating our beauty inside and out.
Beauty is food that nourishes us deep to the core. And this beauty shows us what we value, what we hold most dear and what challenges are worth going through in order to grow.
Beauty is the authentic self. Truth is the authentic voice. In authenticity, women are inherently and naturally beautiful.
When we use beauty to make change, it is a powerfully transformative element that lifts us up and out of our mundane and self-limiting consciousness. When we go through the pain of birth, we see through to the unimaginable beauty that always lies on the other side of the labor or challenge.
When it comes to relationships around which all businesses are built, it’s the beauty that draws us. If we have created our relationships in a vision of collective good, collective thriving, collective enlightenment, then those relationships are going to emanate beauty.
When we travel our journey in tune with nature and the collective good, we are walking the beauty way.
What are the signs and symptoms that we’re afraid to make money?
Wanting money is itself a sign of being afraid of money.
The feeling of wanting anything creates an energetic barrier between us and that thing we want, because wanting is a feeling of lack — it creates the lack of whatever it is you are holding in mind and wanting at the same time.
While it seems counterintuitive, check and see if you want anything you already have. Of course you don’t, because you already have it. Having has a much different feeling to it than wanting does.
Underneath wanting money and being afraid to have it are two main barriers to 1) having it and, 2) creating a positive relationship with the attachment to it and also the aversion to it.
Even while women sometimes even desperately want to make money in their business, the fact that they are not as prosperous as they would like to be is a sign that there is some underlying fear or resistance there.
We desperately want prosperity, whatever that means uniquely to us, but if underneath there’s a story about what we don’t have — power, money, influence — or that money means something bad to us, like being filthy rich, making a killing or depriving someone else of it, then we will find unconscious ways to keep money away from us.
In our programs we help our clients move through their feelings of lack through a process that is akin to emotional yoga by releasing negative feelings stored in the emotional body. Since lack starts as a feeling, it needs to be released on the feeling level.
There are many more signs of being afraid to make money. Do any of these sound like you:
- You don’t have any money.
- When you enter into the discussion about money you feel uncomfortable, and you’d rather avoid having that conversation.
- You’re good at attracting prosperity, but you’re not good at holding onto it.
- You use your money as a way to escape the doldrums, to escape your boredom and to escape the feeling of emptiness.
- You feel that no matter how much money you have it’s never enough. And you tend to not allow yourself to stop and enjoy what you have.
- You have a love hate relationship with money and prosperity. You are both strongly attracted and have strong aversions to money that keep you stuck.
- You over give for every dollar you bring in and it leaves you feeling resentful. Period.
- You take risks with your finances just because you’re bored and lose sight of the change agent you are through your work. You avoid creating stable opportunities for yourself.
- You’re too scared to invest in your business and don’t see it is a path to freedom.
- You are afraid of the responsibility and inherent leadership role that prosperity represents.
These are all the signs and symptoms.
How can you coach someone to find their offering?
Most women already know what they love, but they may not give themselves permission to actually do it in the way that they love doing it and charge for it based on the impact of the results they help people create.
We help clients pull their sculpture out of the wood, to let fall away all of what is not them, so the art of who they are can be seen in the light of day and appreciated for its immense beauty.
It comes down to each ones authentic voice and the story of the life that became the wisdom women have to share. As mentors and guides, we help women to see how their life experience has been their true education and how it is all so perfectly timed and woven together.
We teach that their time is now and that the Universe loves speed. We are happy fast-a-holics and momentum mavens playing in the waves of synchronistic opportunity. We act on the inspiration when it comes, rather than trying to intellectually figure it all out — and we teach our clients to do the same.
We know from experience that all one must do is to simply trust and take the next step forward. The universe will then and only then reveal the next step. There is no need to know how, and waiting only puts the guidance on hold.
How would you describe ‘archetype’ in the simplest of terms?
Archetypes are to the human soul, as DNA is to the body. It is our code of how to be, what to prefer, what scriptures to recite, and what rabbit holes to fall down. They are universally found, from culture to culture transcending geography, language through time.
They are the collective consciousness.
Just as organ systems make up the physiology and anatomy of the body, our archetypes contain and give shape to the qualities of the soul’s spiritual anatomy. Ones unique combination of archetypes is the code of each one’s emotional and spiritual intelligence, the filter of what is real and true.
How much money does one need to get started?
Traditional business models require a large capital investment to get started. However in a feminine, service-based boutique-style business the way that we show women how to create their hightouch and prosperous programs gives a much higher return on investment… because it doesn’t take a lot of money to get started or to operate… because most often our women work from their home offices.
That leaves room for investing in support, coaching and training instead of rent and inventory. It also makes for quicker profits because mentorship makes success in business easier and faster. Whereas in the traditional model, a business is considered a success if it starts profiting after 3-years!
The investment is rarely an obstacle though for the courageous woman, because making the commitment itself motivates our clients to take action in ways that they’ve been afraid to in the past.
These are the qualitites of the rebelle femme that make her perfectly suited to be a femme-preneur:
- We expect our clients to move forward in faith, to act on the opportunities and surrender the need to figure out ‘the how’.
- Faith is essential when you take a quantum leap. A goddess is never going to come down, touch you on the head and guarantee your success.
- A willingness to take the risk, financially, energetically, in telling your truth and in paving the way for something different.
Being an entrepreneur is essentially a rebelle act in the face of being a cog in the wheel of industrialized society, it is not for everyone or everyone would be doing it for the freedom it can provide.
For more information and to sign-up for a complimentary online workshop, visit here.
Femme-Preneur Love’s Beth Martens and Sherry Rothwell
As visionary leaders of rebel-passionate femme-preneurs, Sherry and Beth show you how to grow your business in a feminine, luxurious and pleasurable way-incorporating vacation and self care -along with the age-old wisdom of mentorship, sisterhood, personal growth and inspired learning.
Sherry and Beth are a stand for transforming the culture through conscious business endeavors. As rebel-femmes themselves, these two momentum mavens illuminate a new path forward in business that serves the highest interests of women entrepreneurs, their families and their clients at the same time. What sets their work apart is that their business mentoring and marketing programs are built on feminine principles that specifically work for women.
Beth Martens opens the door for change agents to take their lifework to the next level by helping them communicate their value (online and off) for more impact and income. Her transformational archetype readings reveal how women can connect and market with an authentic voice, make their money sacred and breathe the life into their dreams.
Sherry Rothwell is a sensual business expert and registered holistic nutritionist who helps women birth their dream business by showing them how to design, market and fill high-touch packages and prosperous programs that are as fun to live- as they are to give! Sherry is known for helping her clients to manage their energy, stay in flow and drop the stuff that drains. She does that through her ‘slow marketing ‘ approach- one that considers the ‘long view’ and honours your natural feminine rhythm in tune with the moon.
Bringing their strengths together Beth and Sherry are Femme-Preneur Love! They LOVE to walk women down the path of being successful in business in a feminine way by wholeheartedly mixing business with pleasure.
With more than 40 years of combined rule-breaking business experience and working with empowered service-based femme-preneurs from around the globe, Beth and Sherry lovingly guide their clients to stop marketing like a man and fully embrace the beauty and value of their feminine super-powers! Visit them for a free gift, ‘3 Feminine Secrets of Creating Joy, Pleasure and Prosperity in Your Business’ at www.femme-preneur.ca.