Come with Me to the Shadows.
Come with me through the darkest night
In the shadowed places away from the sun
Hide with me here in the cool gray light
and I will speak of all my stories past
and the dreams I have
of tomorrow.
Come with me to the edge of the earth
Stand with our toes hanging over the brink
Feel the rush of the wind as it pushes and pulls
in boundless uncertainty and know
the desire to both stay on solid ground and
to jump into the abyss.
Come with me to the center of the ocean
Sink far into silence as our feet connect to the ground
Be surrounded by the deafening noise of unrelenting thoughts
Let the pressure build until you may implode
and completely understand
the necessity of air.
Come with me into the dense dark wood
Embrace its shelter from the chaos of people and things
Let your feet find the winding paths and rocky hills
Release your wandering soul off the path into the thick
then discover the meaning of being lost and
how to be found.
Come with me and lie down on this uneven and rocky ground
Take my hand and I will show you all of the open spaces and places
Breathe in the air and look up at the stars
Be broken open with a thousand glimmering points of light
here I will show you the vastness of
an unending sky
Come with me into this heavy chasm of my heart
Recline into its softness, its hardened spots, its hushed slow beat
Trace all of the places that have been scarred with each fingertip
Feel what I feel when it has exploded into a thousand points of light
And in these shadows I will show you all of
the hidden parts of my soul.