Burst Your Yoga Bubble.
{The Cocoon 1 Sphere – Via Pinterest}
By Adriana Rizzolo
Last night I went to see spiritual teacher Adyashanti give a talk in NYC.
If you don’t know him, watch this and find out, he’s pretty awesome.
During the question and answer portion, one sweet woman asked how to protect herself from not energetically taking on others peoples stuff. She was a healer or teacher of some sort.
His insight, in short, was about learning how to be in her body and get grounded there. And to let things move through.
Sounds good, right?
But how do we actually do that? How do we have a connection that deep with ourselves and our bodies?
As women especially, we take on other people’s energy and stuff all the time, without even realizing it.
It is so important for us to be grounded in our bodies. And I don’t just mean going to Yoga class all the time, because I have spent many Yoga classes completely in my head — disconnected from my body. Whatever it is you do for spiritual practice, make sure that it helps you let go and experience the power of your being.
Otherwise you are just adding on something else to do without getting all that you can out of it. You start moving into a Yoga bubble.
Yoga is powerful, but it’s not a bubble.
It should help us get to know our true selves more and more, and bring us into a stronger connection with Love and Truth. Any spiritual practice should, and if it doesn’t, then try something else!
Your connection and practice can help you as you help others or even as you are taking on things from others that are affecting you negatively. This way your practice becomes something that brings you closer to others, not further away, and reminds us of who and what we truly are.
The rigidness that sometimes comes along with a Yoga practice does not always help you to have a deeper and more loving experience of your body or your self. It can actually be quite the opposite depending on where the teacher (and you) are coming from.
We can help each other learn to love ourselves and connect to the depth of beauty, self-worth and power that is within. There are so many ways we can do this, just make sure you are getting all you are worth. Then we don’t have to worry about what we are taking on. Because you know what you are, and have a practice and peers that really show you when you forget.
Adriana is a New York based Yoga teacher, and the co-founder of an international women’s group called Awakened Feminine. Awakened Feminine is a movement and a community of women committed to seeing and supporting each other’s full potential. Several years into teaching Yoga, Adriana realized that even though she had studied with some of the world’s greatest Yoga teachers, she didn’t always know how to translate this into a deep, authentic happiness when she was off the mat. She went on a fierce journey of self-discovery and had a profound awakening within her own Yoga practice and life. She is a dedicated student of spiritual leader David Harshada Wagner, and assists him on retreats all over the world. She passes this on to her students through her classes, workshops and training courses in her practical, straight-talking, no-nonsense approach. You could contact Adriana via her website, Facebook or Instagram.