Love vs Fear.

If I have my own way, I will uncover every secret, expose each wound and deliver truth like a one-inch punch.
I am a brave and (sometimes) fearless explorer who lives only for the journey, only in pursuit of love.
For all the attraction and distraction that our emotional response to life creates — the at once compelling yet distressing whirl that surrounds us so we become held, suspended in its vortex-like grip, Dorothy’s farmhouse caught in the tornado — besides this, there exists the quietly overwhelming source underneath.
A still and omnipotent force that will elegantly make mockery of our mental disturbance just by solidly existing.
This totality, phenomenon, essence at the foundation of everything (most clearly seen and felt in the presence of death) points unequivocally to the bigger picture, the universal, the innate vastness of existence.
Only when we are courageous enough to stay and stare into its black hole eyes do we find the relief we crave.
There is a stillness here that is present in states of flow — it leaves us in no doubt that the whole is bigger than any of us could fathom and that the trick to feeling full, alive and connected is to tap into this.
The state of in love we experience with another becomes a powerful clue to our fulfillment if we can only turn it in on itself, realizing that to be in lovewe must already know love and be love on some level. Being in love is like the Universe seeking itself over and over, energy back and forth.
When we realize it is not the other we seek but it is that place of in lovewithin — this inaugurates our potential as a link in the chain of humanity.
We become tapped into Source and are then conductors passing current, energetically responsive to and from all others, laid bare, fully open to our experience, trusting, ready to receive.
Whatever method you utilize to access this place again and again — Yoga, meditation, nature, Qi Gong, art — stick with it, practice, keep returning, for this is the only way you will avoid being sucked into the drama of the everyday, distracted by others, externalizing your own actuality, pushed and pulled on a whim without direction or clarity.
Get centered, get plugged in and you might just begin to feel supported and unstoppable — a true explorer. It’s hard to feel love without trust. Coming back to your center, your true nature, allows the only feeling of safety that you can truly rely on, from which freedom can emerge.
To know this experience of life is bigger than you, to be willing to be played — like somersaulting with an invisible harness — you are safe as long as you commit, give your all to being in that place right here and now, following the enigmatic pull of the flow — this becomes the game changer.
Seemingly impossible scenarios unfold, deep awe at the incredibleness of it all starts to shape your thoughts and soon heaviness drops away and a refreshing lightness of being takes over.
The alternative is paralysis by fear; static, tied up, unable to move — the beauty of flight, the chaos of upside-down-ness forever unavailable to you, a single perspective reverberating through time. Wasted potential.
What would happen if you could put aside your fear for one day? One hour? Be drawn by the connections that come, feed that place of intrinsic love and let it be your guide… surrender to the unknowable order of things.
Set the ego aside (ideally, well-fed and sleepy — it’s the only way you’ll get past it) and play with the notion of yourself as a well-trained gymnast in the Cirque de Soleil — capable of extraordinary moves, unconsciously competent at responding beautifully and in perfect timing, playing your integral part in the show, feeling thrilled, accomplished, proud and satisfied and very much in love with everything — knowing that you are doing exactly what you were put here to do and are doing it fucking brilliantly too. How would life pan out if this was your metaphor?
So explore possibility, be inspired, stay open, stay connected, do the things that let your spirit fly and experience the beauty of being — here and now. Explorers, this is just the beginning…
“Don’t be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.” ~ Bill Hicks
Jemima House is a yogini and writer who experiences regular bouts of unbearable lightness and needs to be upside down a lot. Walking the tightrope between angelically mellow and devilishly stubborn, she is a wandering star with a big heart. Also the owner of Positive Living UK, a unique network supporting and inspiring people in living their passion.
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