The Hag’s Call.
{Photo via Pinterest}
By Gigi Radov
Many fear and despise me,
for outwardly
I am the brutal destructive enemy,
and your bitter end.
But come when I beckon,
I have so much to show you.
Else I will come to you,
we have no choice, you see…
I know you, and I feel you
from the aura’s vibe.
Down to the cell’s sigh
I know and feel your fears,
your desires, your passions,
and every muffled, buried melody unsung,
forgotten and unadmitted.
And you know me.
Oh yes, you do.
You do, and you remember deep down,
for we have met before,
and will continue to meet.
Do not flee from me.
Look into my eyes.
The creases that embrace
them mark the journey
that many have undertaken,
and that which many are yet to undertake.
Look and you will know
there are no secrets from me.
I make you nervous, do I not?
Because I do not give you what you want,
but what you need?
What if I told you it was what
you were silently screaming for all along?
I heard you, Vasilisa.
I passed the skull, you sorted the grain.
I may seem at times cruel, yet I am fair.
I am practical in my teachings.
Be patient and you will know.
I hold up my mirrors,
They do not come as yours do.
My mirrors are people, events, emotions…
They reflect what you ignore in yourself
and also what you seek.
Look into my eyes.
I look so rough and worn to you,
my fiery rage rattles many,
it seethes through my rags.
But look into me and you will
find the curtains drawn, the veils lifted,
and the deep pools of wisdom and compassion
beyond mortal comprehension.
“But where have I seen you?” you ask…
Beloved one, I come in many guises.
I am the secret that mercilessly
grew under the carpet
where you swept it.
You cannot hide me,
or your secrets.
I will come out in your
reactions and non-reactions,
in what you do and do not
in what you say and do not say.
These are the cracks
And I will seep through
Suppress me and I grow.
I can be the raging flood and howling cyclone,
the attacker and the collapse of paper gods
as I wash away illusion and plant the seeds
of realization and differentiation.
Sip from my cauldron
and pick from my garden
when I invite you.
The only poison is in fleeing.
I am the twisted old Hag
with the hooked nose and rough chin.
Hunchbacked over my rusty cauldron,
I shield the Mother Moon from your sight.
I may be harsh lessons, child, but…
I am also wisdom,
I am justice.
I am those late night
inspirations and realizations
which awake you while I beat at my drum
and gather the scattered bones.
I am self-respect.
I am courage.
I am experience.
I am new opportunity.
I am blunt honesty,
learning and truth.
I am the reason.
I am the outcast,
and I am deep contemplation.
I strip away the bullshit
and I am life in its real, raw glory.
I am the wild, and the ancient.
Then I remind that all of it is you.
I know you, and I feel you
from the aura’s vibe
down to the cell’s sigh,
and you know me.
Listen as I soar
through your veins and call.
Gigi Radov is a passionate lover of holistic midwifery, colors in all shape and form, words and lyrics that create goosebumps, and embracing the divine feminine. She believes that the act of creating has the profound power to heal emotional scars, including when shared with others. Her best pieces of artwork and writing tend to occur after waking in the middle of the night,(which seems to be the main time that Inspiration loves to knock at her door) with tea and a fuzzy animal.