I Dare You to Love Me.
{Photo via Pinterest}
By Laney Oden
I dare you to love me.
For what it’s worth, we hardly know each other but I’m going to dare you to love me.
Love me on a whim.
Love me because it’s free.
Love me because it makes you think.
Love me because you deserve it.
I dare you to stop kissing her because you should be kissing me. See we had it all right before, yet timing has a funny way of fucking everything up.
We can dare to be again, I dare you.
I dare you to love me like a run in the Pacific Ocean, as the rushing cold water stings your feet up to your thighs and gives you a burst of happiness. I dare you to love me like the sun and the moon when they finally correlate.
I dare you to love me when your times get tough and the waters get choppy. I dare you to love me when the lightning strikes and the clouds are dark.
I dare you to love me like the redwoods love the sky, as they reach up limitless. I dare you to love me like a gambler loves a slot machine — or better yet — I dare you to love me like you deep down, would love to be loved.
You see I dare you to love me with only the perfect response in mind. I dare you to love me as I dare to love you too.
Because of timing, because of hurt, because this — us — we can make it work.
The definition of a dare is to have enough courage or confidence to do something: to not be afraid to do something and to challenge yourself primarily.
So I am challenging you. I’m going to ask that you let your heart be worn on your sleeve and allow me to take it with me as I go.
I dare you to trust without fear that I will always be here. Just like in the storm, I will be your guard, your comfort.
Just like when the ocean meets the shoreline.
Just like the stars and their constant promise to shine in the darkest of skies.
Never fret because I’m challenging myself as well. I dare myself to give my all to you — to push away the boundaries and the high walls that have kept my heart away for far too long. And as constant as change is, I am most confident in making you a part of my every day.
I dare myself to only be true to you — to love you. I dare myself to not be afraid of the doubts and the damaging images from the past. I dare myself to rid the negative vibes and always one hundred percent focus on the most positive.
I dare me.
Do you dare you?
Laney lives in the heart of Ohio, not by blood and hardly by choice. She believes that iced tea is the cure for just about everything. She’s got a gypsy soul and she was born to run. She feels the most when she is falling in love, in the ocean, or in the sun. She doesn’t take life too seriously because no one seems to get out alive. She thinks she is funny, and you can catch her laughing at herself all the time.