Eye To Eye, Mirror To Mirror, Soul To Soul.

The process of attaining clarity in your life is a profoundly emotional and spiritual direction that requires you to go full throttle into sensitive caverns and secret corners until you discover the fully conscious resonance of truth that can only do one thing: Illuminate you from the inside out. To be afraid of focus is to be enslaved by complacency.
When a spiritually conscious person has to deal with the anxiety of possible failures or loss, he or she quickly creates a protective field around the aspects of the mind that that could perceivably cause harm or could possibly manifest negativity in the material world.
Through avoidance and self-placation with platitudes that only perpetuate a state of denial (because empty platitudes don’t even scratch the surface of a rooted spiritual life), the painstaking cultivation of consciousness becomes increasingly diminished and the potency of spirituality becomes watered down to quick-fix self-help drivel.
What is left is nothing but a harsh and painful lesson.
All things within you need to be examined, reviewed, felt, processed, and released in order for authentic clarity to become manifest and therefore have the ability to manifest truth in the material world.
The fear of your fears and negative thoughts becoming manifest is an insidious loop that commonly comes from an ungrounded space within the heart center. This state of being keeps you off balance and your dreams at bay until you cleanse your emotions.
Your emotions must have the freedom to roam until they are nurtured and settled — baggage unpacked, luggage carefully stowed.
This must occur to the point of awareness so profound that it will pique your insight to a frequency that will open your entire being to the messages the Universe is offering.
Lack of emotional awareness is the primary blockage in the ability to manifest your desires. Your emotions hold your desires. Your desires are the seedlings of your authentic nature; your authentic nature is your greatness.
Your greatness is the main priority to the pervasive and benevolent energy of the source of all things, but it can be difficult to trust this truth when your fears and your surroundings whisper different stories in the sacred space of an untrained mind.
Are you brave enough to deal with the parts of your life that frighten you so that you may have a sense of closure, empowerment and subsequent renewal?
Renewal is what unifies the heart mind in a deep yoking, an intimacy of surrender to truth and allowance of trust.
The refilling of your cup is essential for spiritual nourishment to take place so that you possess the ability to look at the difficult aspects of your life. (Note: the difficult aspects of your life will keep showing up until you decide to focus on them and innovate resolution.)
Trusting that the Universe is behind you is a difficult task if you have ever been hurt before, and you know we all have had our share of life-changing pain.
The Universe is closest to you in this time of vulnerability, presenting itself as spirit guides, gods, and saviors in an attempt to draw you homeward to a source of love that resides within you, even though it can easily be forgotten.
The Divine nature of all things is not a nature that seeks to punish or cause us pain. It is only in our lack of faith , and the lack of faith in others, that deep pains are caused due to reckless actions because Divinity has been forgotten.
Our personal suffering comes from a lack of clarity and a desire to see the world from the place in which we have no eyes — the center of our stomachs.
The solar plexus, where all things ego and empowerment reside, is a tricky part of ourselves to master. It holds anxiety when it is challenged by its own temporal human elements that are here to understand Divinity.
When we lift our consciousness to a higher state of being, with confidence in the process and humility in our hearts, we change the entire infrastructure of the Universe from within our own bodies. We are living instruments.
Everyone collectively benefits when one brave soul decides to embark on the journey of soul work. All the toil and confusion that ensues with the act of unveiling the resonant truth that is your infinite, magnificent self in all its fragility and myriad temperaments is not in vein
We all hold the space for you. We all want a better world. This is the only way. Just hone in. Focus and become.
Allow your soul sight to guide you to all things meant for you. Your focus needs only be in this place of infinite possibility, not in the process of attaining the things that are not for you.
Let them gently fall away, lest you grasp and hold on to the fiery ravages of lies, even as they are burning your hands to the bone.
Focus teaches us to let go and is the gravitational force that propels us forward, even when we don’t know where forward exactly is. This is commonly referred to as stepping out on faith. What is behind these all too familiar words that are so easy to proclaim and yet so difficult to master?
We all have seen even the greatest teachers falter on the first fundamental step. True faith is when your knees are scarred from falling, and yet you still leap to the wellspring.
Your faith has many aspects; however in this case, it is defined as a simple foundation for your truest self to emerge in a crowning of spiritual rebirth.
Faith presents itself as the hands that hold the tenderness of your newborn perspectives; it is the midwife to the change of life that eliminates fear induced barrenness.
This path is so delicately individual that it is essential that you surround yourself by a healthy, open environment free from judgment of others and self-judgment.
So here we are full circle: eye to eye, mirror to mirror, soul to soul. When you look, look deeply and know that we all are looking back into you with love.
Anjana Love Dixon is a Spiritual Thought Leader, Interfaith Minister, Psychologist, and holds a doctorate in divinity. In 2012 Anjana launched The Anjana Network, the home base of her wisdom writings. It is from this place that she delivers deeply personal reflections of her journey to wholeness, inspires change, and provokes thought. Through sharing influential insights through interviews, articles, and her unique connection to the world, Anjana has become an internationally renowned wisdom writer and cited spiritual thought leader with contributions to major online publications including Rebelle Society, Elephant Journal, Match.com, and HuffPost Live. Anjana is a member of The Beautiful Writer’s Group with Danielle LaPorte and Linda Sivertsen and is currently preparing for the launch of her second book, Start in The Dark: Soul Work for Opening the Heart and Creating a (Real) Life.