Curious About Yoga? 5 Things You Should Know…
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We see it everywhere, in magazines, in books, on signs, and on TV: Yoga.
But what is it really? Have you ever wondered what goes on in the studio despite what the media and your friends say? Here are the top five things I believe you should know if you’re curious about Yoga:
1. Yoga is a mental practice as well as a physical one
It’s not just about the asanas. Yoga teaches us a lot about the dynamics of breathing, which aids in anatomical and psychological functions such as speech, sense of smell, blood pressure and depression.
Meditation is also good for physiological functions and can help redirect negative thought patterns into positive ones, bringing awareness to the present moment (what’s going on in my body, where are my thoughts at), boosting confidence, self-esteem, and helping you find inner peace.
2. Yoga is not all arm balances
We need a well-rounded practice which includes stretching, core work, and cardio, otherwise we set ourselves up for injury. Another very important part of the practice is prep work. Almost every single asana has a prep pose that you can do beforehand to work your way up to the more advanced ones.
Don’t skip this step!
3. No one will ever look the same in a pose
You must learn to work with the anatomy you have. You will be able to do things others can’t and they will be able to do things that you can’t. This is because while we are all made of joint, bone, and muscle, we all have a unique bone structure and joints which are subject to a specific range of motion.
Forcing our bodies beyond our edge (it can be uncomfortable, but should never hurt) can lead to damage of the joints and can lead to bone-on-bone action.
4. You can do Yoga even if you think you’re the most inflexible person in the world
The I can’t do Yoga because I’m not flexible enough speech is quite simply an excuse. Yoga only increases flexibility and will provide you with many other delicious benefits for you to enjoy for years to come.
I always remind my students to find their own way into the pose and ask them to make any little adjustments or tweaks to get the full benefit of the posture. And with correct alignment you will feel the full benefit whether your knees are bent or straight.
5. Not every style and teacher is for everyone
There is such a wide variety of teachers and styles. You have to find what works for you. Don’t give up after your first class if you didn’t like it.
I will share with you what I call the sifter: not everything we hear, see and feel resonates with us, and so when you’re on your journey to finding the right place, style and teacher, just turn on the sifter and only keep what helps nourish and grow your practice. Everything else can sift on by.
I meet new and potential students everyday who are skeptical yet curious about Yoga. And through our talks and discussions, I created this list.
I hope it will inspire you to discover your own practice and the many benefits that Yoga offers.
Stefanie DeWysockie is a board-certified Naturopath, Holistic life coach, yoga teacher, and author. She writes articles on health and wellness, Yoga, and the positive side of life. She also writes young adult fiction/fantasy and poetry. You could contact Stefanie via Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram or via email.