The Truth About Happiness.
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I have learned that there is no secret to happiness. There is no list or magical formula. There is just a state of being alive, with your eyes as open as your heart. It is a feeling if you simply let yourself feel.
Happiness pulses through your veins; it’s just a matter of whether you can hear it between heartbeats. Can you hear it in your dreams? Your very soul coos you to sleep using a lullaby deep within your core.
Did you know it wakes when you sleep?
You can choose to hate the rain or dance in it. You can choose to stare at the broken pieces of yourself or enjoy the challenge of putting the puzzle pieces together.
You can choose to speak ill, but do not expect sugar on your tongue. Only when you speak with positivity laced between breaths will you become drunk with joy.
There is no secret to happiness. It is always within you and ready to erupt into laughter if you allow it to filter your lungs.
You must let it escape your skin and feel the energy sparkle from the tips of your fingers, because there is so much to love about the world. It is that love that breeds all opportunity.
You can sulk about the past or fall in love with the present. You can compare yourself to strangers or you can make something of yourself.
You can fear and live in silence, or allow fear to be the match that sparks the fire. Burn. Burn of the might you hold and glow. Glow of the possibilities that could fill all the lines in your maturing palms. Be — just be.
There are no specifics to happiness. In truth, one morning I woke up smiling and told myself I could not go back. So I remained, because I could.
You can, you see, just be happy. It is in the back of your exhale if you breathe deeply enough. It exists in the air if you inhale sincerely enough. It is here, and there, and always, always with you.
Can you feel it in you?
You can either see darkness or you can be the light. You can rise with the sun or hide in its shadows. You can make memories or you can waste them on regrets.
There is so much to fall for, there is so much to love, and don’t you see how much the world loves you? It’s just begging for you to love it back. Will you?
You must miss the world. Don’t you?
I cannot explain the happiness that lines my broken heart. It’s a motley of all things good and bad. Yet I chose just one of them.
I am strong because I was weak. I am smart because I was wrong. I have succeeded because I have failed. And I love, oh how hard I love, because I have been broken.
Yet I am happy not because I was sad. I just simply… am — because I can, because I was, because I could be, and because I always will be. I am. I am.
Choose happiness along with me, because there is just too much beauty in the world not to.