Live And Love With Poetic Passion.

Life. It sure can be a doozy.
Especially these days, when Americans seem more interested in arguing and emoting over various social networks than in connecting and sharing out there in the real world of flesh, blood, touch and taste.
Of course, while life can toss you curveballs and deliver swift kicks to various parts of the anatomy, it is also oh-so-very-beautiful. Exciting. Raw. Romantic. Poetic, even.
That’s the trick to living life, if you ask me. Not only do you have to take the bad with the good or roll with the punches in order to find anything like happiness, but you need to take the time and find the focus to see and feel and connect with all the sensual and soulful beauty, majesty and passion that life delivers on a daily basis.
If you ask me, you need to do more than merely carpe diem (Latin for seize the day) to truly appreciate and savor life. You need to romance life. Touch it. Grab it. Kiss it. Make sweet love to it.
Naturally. Deeply. Daily.
Of course, poetry always helps. At least in my book. By putting pen to paper and really feeling and writing about all the things that excite, inspire and move us — and possibly even the things that scare us and break our hearts — we can come to an even deeper understanding and appreciation of all the raw beauty and sensuality and magic in life.
Many times, these are things that technology and drama and the day-to-day mundane details of life can often conspire to remove and disconnect us from.
Poetry matters, and every April, we celebrate National Poetry Month to remind us just how powerful and visceral a medium poetry really is.
In that spirit, I’d like to share a few passionate poems of mine. They just sort of came to me, here and there, now and then, over the past several months.
They’re essentially all about really taking the time and finding the energy to not just savor life… but to grab life by the (insert your favorite body part here), and really ravage it deep, in a way that makes you feel most alive and passionate and free.
Enjoy. Love on. Write on.
And go hard. And deep…
Burn, baby, burn…
Make yourself into
something someone
somehow wherever
you go, electricity will
follow, sparkle, even
ignite another’s flame
we are all candles
and we burn brightest
when the fire dances
closest to our wick
don’t ever be afraid
to lick the edge of
immortality, hungrily
or at least passionately
kiss greatness, baby
burn, baby, burn
baby, burn…
Bite down.
I see no good
reason not to
take life by the
hand, maybe
pull its pretty
hair and use
your free hand
to author some
thing unforgettable
don’t let it go
by without taking
chances making
moves, yes, leave
your mark, bite
down and sink
sharp teeth in
deep, leave marks
the timid cannot
ever know love
like we will make
it up as we go
along and sing
and dance as it
all unfolds
unknown until
it is, never
too late to
make love, again…
Always, in at least
a moment here, or
an aspect there, you
can uncover, slowly
peel apart, with fingers
eyes, or even teeth
trained to devour all
the flavors of life, kiss
the rainbow of beauty, yes
remember, we are granted
opportunity, gifted time
to explore and taste it all…
Run Wild.
Let your heart roam free
romp even, maybe run
graze in fields of everything
that ever made you come
alive, never close to death
if you’re drawing breath
there are some who
would give their all
just to taste the air
you are enveloped in
love when you soar
high above the bullshit
that pollutes too many
corners of our
hearts and minds and
earth, once pure
paradise, got lost
but we can find
closer to
the way it all
began, so
don’t ever
stop moving
live, love, create
Dylan Barmmer is the founder and raconteur of Word Is Born, a creative copywriting consortium based in beautiful San Clemente, CA. A published poet and journalist with 17 years of experience as a professional writer, Barmmer has been practicing and sharing Random Acts of Poetry since 2009. When he’s not playing with words for a living, you can often find Barmmer hiking, prowling the beach, practicing yoga or playing with words for free. You can see, hear and feel more about Barmmer on Word Is Born, or connect with him via Facebook (he’s also the self-proclaimed Poet Laureate there). He even promises to write you a birthday poem.