
Project Inner Child: Soften Your Heart & Reveal Your Innocence.

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{Photo via Tumblr}

As I sit in the park amongst sun-drenched lime-infused grass, daydreaming miles away, I play aimlessly with a ladybug.

Up and down my arm the harmless minute friend leaves tickled traces of the softest touch. It’s a goosebump-inducing euphoric affair. Life used to be so simple as an eight-year-old. I wonder, as I get older, if I still hold that same innocence.

What does it take amongst the responsibilities of the ages to retain my Marshmallow Heart?

A world conflicted, lovers amongst lovers and responsibilities; doubts creep in leaving the faintest of hearts heavy, tired, and questioning. I say to myself I don’t want to play that game, but here I am.

I scour the shop and there is a book for everything on how to do this and how to do that, but the only book I want is on how to maintain and cultivate my Marshmallow Heart. I’m sure it is different for everyone, a personal quest, off-course, for our sweet scent is worth it, every second of it.

It has been on my mind for some time now — the edges, the stiffness, the aches and pains that can accumulate slowly suffocating our innocent open pure hearts.

All of a sudden you notice you are either veering off track, investing too much in someone else, feeling alone, isolated, overwhelmed by the struggles in our world, simply forgetting or unbeknown to your own personal joys.

It doesn’t matter how accomplished, artistic, successful, spiritual or plain you are, balance will always tinker with you, so be sure to make a personal note: your heart is at the centre of your scales feeling the weight.


The Project: To soften the heart, letting the light in, and smoothing out those tight constricting edges, releasing unwanted expired debris.


To start with, I lay my hands over my heart for five minutes of Reiki each night, and for the first three days I awake in the night to a cool sweet sweat upon my chest. I sense the heaviness is evaporating away back into the ether.

I feel the start of a beginning, renewal and the freshness of the potential that I could embrace, this is substance I beam — a heart cry of ‘Yes’. The tiredness slowly but surely withers away each day as the seeds in my garden sprout.


I sit before a warm fire toasting my marshmallows to contemplate what it will take for my innocence to reveal itself more and more wholeheartedly. Light-filled joy sprawled out amongst the summer flowers echoes in the distance. I pick a daisy.

He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not; my heart loves me always, there is no plot.

“I am your moon and your moonlight too. I am your flower garden and your water too. I have come all this way, eager for you, without shoes or shawl. I want you to laugh, to kill all your worries, to love you, to nourish you.” ~ Rumi

As I reach out my hand to catch the warmth of sunlight flickering down between the summer leaves in my heart, I smell the fresh air, take it all in and hug the smiles that spontaneously begin to muster.

Reflections amongst childhood dreams drift on by as I capture colored balloons enveloping the most endearing visions to feed on in nourishment, like breast to baby.

Feeling into, moving around gently, breathing, taking it all in and slowly adding joys to my play-park that allows my heart to sing. I feel the faint flickers of love, self-love.

I must be dead center on my path, my authentic path blindly feeling amongst the heart’s alleyways gently guided by my intuitive torch.

Barefoot in the wild green park I light up sparklers and write in the sky: L.O.V.E.

The heart says, “I am softening everything that has accumulated since birth, trapped around our sensual body, to be stripped undone, leaving us naked. I prefer it this way, bare and ready for touch. Now that is a warrior, my love. Lay me down anytime naked as opposed to stomping around society with armor on, ready and scared; so begin, unravel.”

This echo lusts after me and sensuality oozes within me. I taste the warmth. As each day passes, more clues are revealed for self-satisfaction and the gratitude diaries fill.

It is only when we embrace change that we can let go of what’s stuck. Our nature holds on like glue until it hears the redirections. The heart waits patiently to be placed in the limelight blossoming what’s rightly due.

This is a lifelong romantic affair, a tune that gets better with time as our focus becomes pinpoint.

“The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart” ~ Rumi

Imagine today, rather than checking in at the airport, if there was a check-in at the heart-port, what would your heart look like? Where are the edges? How is your heart feeling? What does it ache for, thirst for? Do we even have time to think about these things? Well, we must if you are reading this.

These million-dollar valuable questions breathe innocence back into our world amongst bright-eyed, energized, love-filled children.

For the adults’ ‘inner children’ will breathe hope back into our world, and the lovers will nurture it.

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LeesaAn explorer and natural adorer, Leesa Maree Brock hopes to set off, one by one, thousands of tiny, energized creative sparks around the world. Leesa’s background is in Visual Art/Painting and Transpersonal Art Therapy, and she is now focused on documenting/photographing power centers. You could learn more about People of the Sun or contact her via Facebook or her website.

{Return To Innocence}


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