Break Free From Your Box — This Is Your Sign To Shift.
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If you’re looking for a sign that it’s time to shift, well, here it is.
You’ve allowed yourself to be boxed in. You’ve let your fears, and those who might judge you, stop you from shining as brightly as you are meant to.
It’s time to face up to the fact that the only way you’re going to feel alive is by standing up to your fears, both real and imagined, and daring them to take you out for shining too brightly.
What are you willing to die for?
Because, every time you share your truth with the world, you lay it all on the line.
Something has to be more important to you than this human form you find yourself in. You have to be willing to live beyond it.
Not to leave behind a legacy or to achieve glory, but for something much more grand than such relatively petty things.
Because who you really are does live beyond it.
The path to immortality is paved with courageous expression. It is in those moments when you are willing to lay down your life in fearless expression that you transcend time and enter the realm of the timeless.
Only someone truly possessed by the creative force could be so foolish, irresponsible or reckless with his or her own life.
Yet, it is these very same reckless individuals who are responsible for everything truly meaningful that has ever transpired in this world.
Your life needn’t be a routine, mundane affair, punctuated by the occasional moment of divinity.
Break free of the box you have created for yourself, stretch out your being, and meet your every moment with your divine brilliance.
Make this your commitment, and while it may be a lifelong journey of learning what it means to truly be yourself, you will be very much alive every step of the way.
There is no other way to live.
No matter how big your box, as long as you are in one, you are as good as dead.
Don’t let this be your story. Fully utilize the time you have been gifted in this remarkable form to make an everlasting mark on eternity.
You’ve been waiting for a sign, and now you have it.
Go forth and courageously share You with your world. There are many who are waiting for you to come online so that they, too, can have their very own sign, much like this one.
Don’t make them wait any longer.
Rahul Bhambhani is a teacher, mentor, and guide to those who are ready to die to all that they are not, so that they may ‘Live as Who They Really Are’. Having walked this path himself for the past decade, Rahul has seen how being willing to put it all on the line for the Truth that moves through him is the only way to truly lead a life worth living. Check out his latest creation, The Invincible Man, where he shares writings tailored to support those fearless souls who have chosen to walk the path of Truth.