You Are Not Here By Accident. You Were Made On Purpose.
I am back from a descent, but for how long, I never know. There are places in the deep that even I do not like treading, but when it is time, I must go down. It is my sworn duty.
Of what we are a part, we can’t escape. Our short-sightedness, our selfishness, the violence that lives in the deepest beneath of us, must be addressed. No part is disposable. Nothing less than wholeness in totality will do. Not for this job. Not in this life.
There is too much at stake, you see. It’s crucial you succeed. And if you know it is your destiny, you will. But it doesn’t come easy. It doesn’t come free. You have to take it back, because it’s yours.
When you enter that dark place, where angels fear to tread, the first thing that happens is you become amnesiac. I, too, forget myself completely when I enter into places inky, black and venomous.
And I become the thing I most fear. I feel the perpetrator that lives in the heart of my victimhood. We are the same. We cannot exist without each other. We are both lies. We are both truths. We hate and desire each other because we have both been away from home too long.
That which horrifies you most about the world is deep within you. It is hard to come to grips with, but you must be willing to see, because it owns you, until you hunt it down, on pure faith, that some mighty grace will prevail.
I’m a writer who writes about God. I don’t always use the word, God, because personally I think it is outdated, but it is a simple way to get at an infinite subject. One of many possible doorways.
And because I write about God, I feel a responsibility to be true, to the greatest degree I am able, about whatever bubbles forth, because we have to understand our humanity. We need to be honest to do so. It staves off the lie, I am alone. It also shows us the strength of our vulnerability.
Your personal power is tied up in those places within you, that you do not believe you will survive. The you that can’t survive it, is not real. You cannot take responsibility if you do not know what’s in you, and you may not wield power without it, so you cannot become realized.
And if you don’t self-actualize, there is no knowing what greatness you might have achieved, what goodness might flow into the world because of what you set in motion, what treachery may have been prevented a few hundred years in the future, because of you.
We must see the truth: that we have fallen prey to artificial things, that the loss of our authenticity is killing us all, as it is reflected in our aluminum foil skies, our GMO franken-foods, and epidemics of disease caused by being poisoned, or being sucked dry (just ask California).
That it has come to this, is in itself, if you understand how energy becomes matter, alarming.
There is only one kind of revolution that can be successful now. The old ways — the shifting of power between groups — cannot bring peace. We have come to the edge, and looked over the side. Violence cannot drive out violence. Submission or apathy, is death.
If your greatest question is Why, then you don’t yet know that God must do it as you, as me, and there is nothing, in my view, more real than that. In the presence of the Presence, no artificial thing can survive. And that Presence lives in you. It lives in me.
No matter what the judgments of my small, pre-programmed human mind may be, what I think of my own thoughts, and what you think of yours: it doesn’t matter.
You are not here by accident. You were made on purpose. Do not turn away from what you think is ugly within you. Even I’m surprised by just how dark my dark streak can get. But I don’t run. I enter. I forget. I curse, I scream, and I wail. Then I win. And I am more me than I’ve ever been before.
And I believe God goes with me, even though sometimes I cannot see.
When the Soul finds a seat in Its body, it is a Miracle. It is the same miracle that opens the tightly wrapped rose bud. The same miracle that transforms the acorn into the mighty oak.
The same one that takes a sperm, and an egg, and makes a whole new life with the same potential for greatness as yours.