I Crumble Into You. {poetry}

If only you knew
all of the poems that exist
solely because I cannot
forget your smell,
mists wrapping
around glacial mountains,
over-ripe coconuts
sitting in the sun.
My thoughts always
return to you,
fumbling drunk-blind
in your car,
hands pressing
into the rough fabric
of your jeans
while the mountains,
ever maternal,
look on,
not judging.
Wise sentinels
standing erect
until they are called
to crumble
into the sea.
I crumble into you.
Your voice,
your hands,
they’re shaking.
I cast my spell the way
you have cast yours
and we are locked
in a cloud of primal
enchantments that have
transcended time,
and there is no
name for what
we have become.
I pretend not to know
your body as
I know my body,
or your hands as
I know my hands,
or your heart as
I know my heart.
I am Judas in the garden.
The betrayer of wild
and holy things,
and you are the owl
with your culling call,
and your knowing eyes.
Sometimes I still find you
in the ether of a dream,
your laughter lulling
me from lands beyond
the veil of knowing.
I still find you floating
in the wind,
residual energy
from time gone by.
Where did I know you before?
In what world
did we melt together?
Deep in my marrow
you rise like the tide,
like glaciers tucked
between mountains,
like stories that tell themselves.
You swirl through
my universe like galaxies,
adding beauty to
something seemingly infinite.
The heavens cannot compare
to your vastness,
the Milky Way lives
in your sternum.
I’ve looked down your throat
and I’ve seen our future,
as if you had
swallowed the world.
There are some days
when I think that you
will consume me,
I will no longer
know myself and
all that will exist is you,
and a shadow where
I once stood.
At night you wrap your
arm around me.
It is heavy against my ribs.
I can’t breathe.
I can’t hear over
the jackal howling
of my heart.
This world
collects the souls of those
who dare
to love in it.
Will we ever leave
this desolate place?
Rising and falling.
There is a dark thing inside of me,
it writhes against you.
Can you feel it?
Brieanna Lewis is a self-proclaimed poet, tarot goddess, witchy woman, and small dog enthusiast. Hailing from a rural town in upstate New York, she spends her days writing, mastering social media, working at a local newspaper, and raising two fur babies. Brieanna has embarked upon a journey to find her inner wild woman as well as to live her poetic truth.