You Are The Answer. {poetry}

If I could go back
and be with her,
that girl I met
one day who sat
broken in the sun,
gray in heart,
staring out
at an empty Pacific,
I would tell her,
“My dear one,
you do not deserve
to be a question
tripping off his lips,
because the sounds
of your name
are too big and glorious
to wrap his voice
You deserve
to be the answer
to a question
that was answered
when he met you,
and with a fist-pump,
spoke a resounding,
“Hell Yes!”
Because that is the kind
of reckless commitment
it will take to weather
the path of love.
And besides,
your beautiful name
was not meant
for whispered stutter,
but wild exclamation.
If I could go back
and sit with her
and lend her my glow
to help warm the
cold ache she
carried inside
I would tell her,
“My dear one,
the pain you now feel
is not in vain,
for wise hearts
are forged upon
the wildfires of experience,
and every piece
that feels broken
needed to break
so your heart
could find room to grow.
How else are you
gonna free your heart
if you don’t crack through
the walls that were
holding it back
in the first place?”
If I could go back
and take her hand,
and give her a touch
of reassurance to
help steady her falling faith
in this thing they call love,
I would tell her,
“My dear one,
do not regret your choices
for you were quite brave
to risk your heart
for the sake of love,
and the only foolishness
that exists in having loved
is the foolishness
that exists when we judge
our hearts for doing
what hearts are meant to do.
And now that you have
learned your capacity
for deep, massive love,
you need to learn
to direct that love inwards,
and shine it
on yourself.”
If I could go back,
I’d remind her
that I will always
be there to help her
find her way to shore,
no matter how
lost in the oceans
of life she may be.
Then I would put my arm
around my younger self
and say,
“My dear one,
you are the answer
to a question that is
asked when
you meet you.
So pick up
those broken pieces
and go about the work
of reassembling them,
into something greater
than they were before,
and embrace yourself
with a fist-pump
and a resounding
‘Hell Yes!’
because that is the kind
of reckless commitment
it will take to weather
your path of love.
And besides,
your beautiful name
is not meant
for whispered stutter,
but wild exclamation.”
BethAnne Kapansky Wright is a Clinical Psychologist finding joy and light from her tiny corner of Anchorage, Alaska. She writes poetry and personal essays and enjoys photography and creating whimsical art. She can often be found on top of the nearest mountain or running through the trails in her beloved woods. She is the author of the poetry chapbook ‘The Art of Becoming’, and is inspired by nature, love, her awesome husband and fur family, and the beautiful journey of becoming more fully human. She can be found blogging tidbits and snippets of poetry and other random thoughts on her website.