Love Every Last Drop.
Love every last drop of your life.
Don’t waste any more
of its precious nectar.
Love everything about being you,
not only the things that are approved by others.
Don’t ever put down who you are.
Don’t give explanations.
Lift your dreams
without lowly sinful shame,
and love your body,
it’s the only one
you’ll ever have.
Your flesh is nobody else’s concern.
This soul is yours to explore.
Discover the joys of your desires.
Allow yourself to breathe and feel.
Enjoy your fantasies;
for they are yours alone.
Ride the wave of ecstasy
for as long as you wish.
You are not here to prove
yourself to others.
All you are asked to do
is to simply be you.
Nobody else is living your life.
Give up control of all things.
You can’t make up other people’s minds,
but you have the power
to change how you see the world.
For a sacred moment imagine
that you are perfect.
That there is no one to impress
and no standards to live up.
That you can like yourself enough
to stay in your PJs all day,
and a long bath can be without bubbles
because you enjoy your nakedness.
That sex is great
and you are allowed
to feel pleasure by yourself.
That you have too many rules
or sometimes not enough.
That sex does not have to be routine.
That sex sometimes is routine.
That you don’t have to wear make up,
or you can wear tons of it, if you wish.
That you believe in magic.
That you are a beginner of life.
That you love being barefoot
and become bored with
superficial conversation.
Imagine that you have become
the uninvited un-attendee
in the corporate world.
That high heels and sneakers
are equally sexy.
That you are still in love
with your first love.
That your heart has been broken
into a million pieces,
and broken is fine.
That you are allowed
to break down whilst breaking free.
Imagine that you are allowed to rise up,
and nature helps calms you down.
That you need nights
on the town for relaxation
and that yoga is not for you.
That reading a book is great,
but writing a book is your calling.
That you are a hopeless romantic.
That you believe in unicorns.
and you ride dragons in your dreams.
That you are happily-ever-after single.
That you want to be loved
whilst building a fence
around your tender heart.
That nothing and everything is okay.
That you are human,
and all that comes with it.
You are the perfect version
of all of life.
No need for change,
or approval,
or standards.
You are a beautiful mess,
an original, and
not a tidied carbon copy
of someone’s ideal.
Let yourself soak in
and know that
this tale is yours to tell.
Be you, be all of you,
and love every last drop.