Why It’s Time To Stop Caring & Start Listening.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall…
Whose opinion matters most of all?
Is it your mother? Your father? Your sibling? Your teacher? Your friend? Your partner?
With so many people always weighing in on who you should be, how you should do things, what’s the best, what’s right…
How are you supposed to know what’s truly best for you?
Yes, you. We’re talking about you.
Not your mother, your father, your sibling, your teacher, your friend, or your partner.
Dear sister, it’s your opinion that matters the most in your life.
There’s always going to be someone who tells you that you’re wrong, and that there’s a better way to be in the world.
There’s always going to be someone who disagrees with the way you do things.
There’s always going to be someone who questions your path.
But my love, you don’t need to listen to them.
Who you need to listen to is your intuition.
You know her. She’s that voice that lives deep down in your belly,
Rumbling from time to time with her ancient knowing.
But you often suffocate her. You silence her. You cover her with food, drugs, alcohol, and things to numb her out so that she doesn’t rise any more.
Sister, she needs to rise. Your intuition needs to rise. You need to rise.
Enough with the suffocation.
Enough with the silence.
Enough with covering her up.
Set her a place at the table, because your intuition is your ally.
And she’s always going to know better than everyone else does.
That’s why it’s time to stop caring. That’s why it’s time to not give a fuck what anyone tells you anymore. That’s why it’s time to start honoring yourself completely as the wise, ancient embodiment of the feminine that you are.
That stirring in your belly, that desire in your womb, that pulsing of your heart…
That’s your soul’s calling, crying out to be heard and followed.
There isn’t a single soul out there who is going to be more well-versed in your soul’s calling, your intuition, your inner knowing, than you are.
So my sister, it’s time to stop caring, and start listening.
Mute the static and the background noise, and tune in.
What does your belly say?
What does your womb say?
What does your heart say?
Your intuition is what’s going to guide you into your soul’s calling, not everyone else’s opinions of you.
You are so deserving of your heart and soul’s desire, so do yourself the honor of paying attention to that inner knowing from here on forward.
Because it’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
And in stopping to care about what they think and say, you’re in fact caring more than ever before, because your pursuit in life becomes less about others’ ideals for you, and more about your own ideals for yourself.
Your turn! How is your relationship to your intuition? Do you listen to your heart and soul above all else, or do you tend to ignore your inner knowing? In the comments below, I’d love to hear how you relate to your intuition, following your soul’s purpose, or people’s possible projections onto you in life.
Here’s to not caring quite so much…
Ali Schueler is a writer and women’s empowerment enthusiast, supporting women in ‘unleashing and embracing their wild feminine nature’. She is committed to the re-sacralization of the feminine across the globe. Her mission is passionately providing women with experience-based tools that inspire life-changing awakening in the feminine, promoting emotional awareness, spiritual fulfillment, wild self-expression as well as a connection to our bodies and their natural cycles. She enjoys writing and video-blogging weekly through her website and sharing inspiration with her Wild Woman Speaks community daily through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.