Seeing Choice, Challenge & Opportunity With New Clarity.

Challenge and opportunity are the same thing through a different lens.
It’s like a room, and walking into a dark room and standing there, or turning on the light. Same room, different experience.
I was walking the beach today and passing person after person. Just taking them in through my eyes, and wanting to see if I could maybe understand, from the way they smiled, made eye contact, or did not, what was going on in their worlds.
We all have our own worlds, and I’m willing to speculate that 9 times out of 10 someone is going through a challenge of some kind.
Maybe that is it, maybe the challenge is there at first for us to be able to see the opportunity, and it’s this opportunity that, once realized, catapults us into the next phase of life, with a greater ability to live it completely.
Maybe challenge is like a Magic Eye, where at first it’s all fuzzy and can be overwhelmingly frustrating. I remember sitting with pages that I just could never get, putting the book down and opening it again and again trying to see what was behind the blurred dots.
Opportunity is when this all comes together. Suddenly the eyes readjust, and that is when our little brains line up with the expanse of our hearts and stop trying to force the picture, but allow it to come into focus.
Wasn’t that how Magic Eye was done too? You squint too hard and narrow your view, contract the picture. You have to relax, open, and soften your eyes. Then it comes into clear view.
I heard recently that people travel not to experience a new place, but really it’s to experience themselves in a new place. We all want to be taken deeper into ourselves, fall in love more fully with ourselves. When we are in a state of complete in-loveness with who we are, where is there to go? What is there to do?
This is what happens when challenge becomes opportunity.
Sometimes it’s not that clear, sometimes that light switch in the darkened room is not visible and sometimes we have to read the Braille of our lives instead of seeing it with opened eyes. We often have to feel our way through the muck, the complexity, the challenge. But here’s where simplifying comes in.
We make small choices to effect big changes. Sometimes — no, most times — we don’t have the slightest clue what our small choices will lead to in terms of big life changes: think children, think new jobs, think new moves, think death.
The way we make small choices is the same way we make big ones — one choice at a time. If you have two options, great. If you have an infinite number of options, even better; while this makes things potentially more challenging, it’s also indicative of the open nature of your mind.
Take all of the choices and take the highest road, you know which one. Or just make a choice and adjust from there. There’s no wrong choice. There’s just life, and adjusting to life. Whichever choice you make will bring you another challenge and another opportunity.
And that’s the point.
It’s not to make choices to avoid challenges, it’s turning challenges into opportunities… again and again and again.
It’s becoming more proficient in the dark, and learning to read Braille more quickly, and learning how, maybe someday, to have night vision.
Scarlet Garn is a mom, a lover of health and truth, and bender of all things — rules, status quo, and our own beliefs. She writes to know, and ultimately fall in love with life more fully. She shares in hopes it will serve as a synapse between others and their own true selves. After all, we are all in this together.