For The Sensitive Warriors With Healing Hearts.

“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut
This is for the sensitive souls whose hearts are slowly mending. The ultra-tender warrior ones, the broken-hearted weary ones, the magical iridescent ones, the embrace-all-of-humanity ones, and the open-hearted I-love-life-and-love ones who would never stop loving.
We would all perish without love.
This is for the tender healing hearts that have been shattered and burned countless times, crushed and repressed, beaten down, caged and silenced.
For those who have wondered if they would ever mend their cracked open heart of tender shards; the bleeding souls that tore into life’s often frightening abyss, but somehow found a way to put the pieces back together and then continued loving their way through life as best as they could, often with newfound heart liberation.
For all who have gone through the darkest of human-soul experiences and beautifully emerged brighter than ever, shining their light unconditionally in the world and refusing to shut their hearts down for good or lose faith in humanity altogether… this is for you.
It is through these seemingly dark moments in life which gut us to our very core, the uncharted raging inner storms which call upon our deepest reserves of courage and strength, the most heart-rending experiences that cause us to question life and existence all over again, and being brought down through major crises to our knees in utter surrender, that connect us to more of our brilliant light.
Through the red-white-violet molten burning of purification and the deepest soul excavation, light is able to shine brightly through where there were once dense cobwebs of self-denial strung across love-starved shadows — soul fragments which were long ago silenced and abandoned in dark caves within self-created prison walls.
And crisis often precedes transformation. Within every darkness there is always light. A glimmer of light, however faintly seen, shines through every stone wall overgrown with mangled vines of self-loathing or hate, fear or defenses.
For you, souls who have, over lifetimes, carried your heavy hearts, often trailing behind you hanging on by mere threads, after your hearts were beaten to a pulp, torn and shattered countless times, having to bear more than you thought you could endure…
Somehow you managed to momentarily stop while journeying through what resembled a living hell, just long enough to connect the heartstrings back into place one at a time, until your sweet tender hearts began to beat again, although quivering still, for a while.
Your hearts thank you for courageously carrying them through the most torturous states of agony and refusing to let go completely, because now they know how to beat with the rhythm of the universe again. They are freed, or learning to be, now guiding and carrying you through life.
Every heart plays a unique role in the world, and without your beautiful heart existing and shining, the universal puzzle of hearts wouldn’t be the completely miraculous mystery it is.
For those who have been tried through the fires of death more times than you can count, by some great mystery you came out even stronger, even if you had burnt down to a near crisp, shrunken and seemingly fading.
Somehow you regenerated and came back to life, because on the unseen level you are immortal (every soul is), like a phoenix continuously being reborn from her ashes. To the human mind, you have survived the unimaginable.
You are a phoenix, a butterfly, a divine miracle, and an ever transforming beacon of light.
You are transformation embodied.
And you might be one of the souls whose light has been perceived as invisible to some but only because their veils still largely remain, and have yet to or are still learning to see through eyes of the divine, unshaded and undistorted by twisted lenses of the past.
Your divine brilliance cannot be defined by limited minds, no matter how intelligent. Remind your tender heart of this when she forgets.
You may be one who most people thought nothing of, but would have witnessed a brilliant star had they ventured in closer to peer into the magnificent (and often solitary) sensitive soul that is you.
Your starry soul doesn’t need approval from human minds in order to shine; she shines regardless. Your light is forever seen and acknowledged by the divine.
A soul is not measured by the loudness or intellect of its voice, the number of surrounding friends, the speed of thoughts, the strength of its muscles, or the height of its platform.
A soul cannot ever be measured, because it is vast, limitless, and forever.
It would be insane to put a label of worth or value on a soul’s divine light, which expands far beyond what the human eye sees, ad infinitum.
But we humans are often insane, aren’t we? I know I am, because I still have my human moments of forgetting my infinite worth and the love that I am. But we can also love our human insanity and forgetfulness because this is divine too.
Sometimes we can use a helping hand to bring us out of hiding who we are (because in the past, maybe it was not safe to shine) and to show us how to shine as brilliantly and freely as the moment our spirit was first created from stardust. I am now learning to step into my light more fully, too.
One thing that helps a soul to shine bright is simply to love all of you — whether you are adorned with beautiful and dirty thoughts, quirky and genius ideas, wild and untamable ecstatic or angry emotions, grand or delicate dreams created by an open heart (or the lower regions), or a heart full of wounded-ness or raw vulnerability — it is all beautiful and deserving of the most sacred love.
When watered with love, we blossom fully.
We shine brightly when we courageously face the paralyzing fears, the disapproving glances, the heart-piercing judgmental thoughts from others (and from ourselves) and keep forging ahead anyway, through the wild jungles of mangled stuff that are, in part, created from our own limiting thoughts and beliefs, or those of others we chose to hold on to as our own, long past their expiry date.
Shine by forgetting everything you were ever taught that you should say, do, feel, think or wear in order to fit in and stay locked within the limited confines of mainstream society, in order to be accepted. See what it feels like to walk boldly outside these cell walls of illusion at least for a day, and then a week… and then, forever.
See how being yourself authentically, fully and unapologetically allows you to glow brighter than ever. When we remember who we are, our light shines at its brightest.
All of universal wisdom lies within you. It always has. The only trick is to connect to your inner, higher soul’s voice, trust it and, most importantly, follow it; forget all the external voices that tell you otherwise. Your highest self always knows what’s best for you.
Allow your emotions and feelings to be released from their hostage status if they have previously been suppressed or denied.
Nurture them as sweetly and gently as you would a small child, within your beautiful compassionate heart, where they can be loved, acknowledged, and accepted finally for the humanness they were formed to express and reflect in the first place.
Then support them fully as they take their final steps before developing wings and flying freely, being alchemized into love within your being, and allowing even more light to shine through you.
If something feels right to you deep down and won’t harm you or anyone else, just do it without delving into a myriad of endless questions or self-doubt, wondering how it all makes sense or how it will work out. The limited human mind often cannot make sense of the language of the heart and infinite soul.
If you do experience doubt in the validity of your own inner wisdom, discount it, and take someone’s word over your own (like I have done in the past), tenderly and lovingly remind your precious self that this is sometimes what humans do, and you are very much human.
Your heart knows what serves your greatest good, and taking the first step(s) of guidance will allow the next step(s) to be revealed to you. Whether through a strong gut feeling, sudden tingling through your body, subtle yet repetitive ideas, symbols or images, dreams, or a specific song playing at just the right time, it will unfold.
Trust your wise heart and give it permission to lead you. As with anything, the more you practice, the easier it becomes.
Release your inner child.
There are so many ways to connect with your joy, laughter, and playful nature. Be creative with it! It is liberating, healing and necessary.
Have you been putting off that desire to howl at the full moon with your friends or dance wildly to your favorite songs around a bonfire? Or go skinny dipping in the ocean and then share a lusciously decadent cake simply to celebrate your existence?
Or you could run through the forest barefoot, crouching down on all fours (or your belly) to photograph the intricate insects and flowers on the ground, collecting various fallen leaves, stones and feathers simply because they’re fascinating! You’d be amazed at how good it feels to embrace the (grubby) wild inner child, without worrying about getting dirty.
There are so many ways to support you in your glorious shining! Feel into what’s right for you.
We are the stuff made of stars. Shine free, dear sensitive soul, and fly high.
Jessica Eagle Whitefeather is a fairy in spirit, hippie at the core of her ultra-sensitive heart, and gypsy of the cosmos passing through earth, practicing soul expression through writing. She is a mother, Certified Advanced Pranic & Crystal Healer, and student of Professional Counseling. A lover of freedom and delving deep into the abyss of light and darkness combined, she is passionate about learning, walking barefoot in nature, and uncovering universal truths while learning to embrace all of the strange and wondrous experiences human life offers. She dreams of swimming with dolphins in the wild, and building an eco-friendly, holistic soul retreat, financially accessible by all, where sacred geometry structures are scattered throughout the lush land. A haven where women’s, men’s, and children’s sacred circles are held in the spirit of community, connection and brotherly/sisterly support. She currently enjoys life with 2 of her 3 beautiful daughters in Queensland, Australia. She’d love to connect with you on Facebook.