Leo New Moon: Venus In The Underworld.
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The Sun and the Moon dance with the Leo face of the Goddess this month, as Venus disappears from the night sky to rise again in the morning before the sun on August 21st.
This New Moon, taking place in the sign of Leo on Friday, August 14th, is a perfect time to compost and release old, limiting patterns that do not serve your radiant heart. With Venus in the proverbial underworld, this New Moon in Leo is extra dark and juicy, inviting everyone, regardless of gender, into a magic dance with the Goddess.
Venus, Isis, Aphrodite, Inanna, Ishtar — all various names of the One who brings us close to our true hearts’ desires. (desire = de sidere in Latin, meaning of the stars). She is the One in us who establishes and tends to our value system. She will stop at nothing to bring us into the terrain of the soul where all is rich, heavily scented, and ripe with life.
Questions of self-worth, aesthetic beauty, the arts, pleasure, and the dance of relationship are a few touchpoints for what may be drawn down to the dark during this time.
Old patterns and belief systems that hold you back from Leo’s radiant love are churning in the great belly of the earth. Not love in the way our culture often thinks of love, but love that is fierce, and full, and not always beautiful. It is this love that whispers on ancient lips — what dies, lives again.. trust the Mystery, let go.
It takes radical courage rooted in this kind of love to dance the dance of shedding and renewal. It is not without difficulty, challenge, or grief. Be gentle with yourself now and stay close.
With the Sun, Moon and Venus in Leo, we are called to feel our way in the dark into radical self-love for its own sake. Not narcissistic self-love that is dependent on external approval, but healthy Leo-love. It’s this kind of Leo-love, charismatic, sustaining and confident, which knows that the root of all change begins within.
Do you love yourself enough to let go? Can you find the courage to compost and digest an old way of showing up in relationships? Can you inspire and be inspired, to explore again with new eyes the unseen roots of your core values?
Remember, the choices we make shape our world, and our choices, whether they be conscious or unconscious, arise from the fertile under-soil — what is of value to you, and what you most hold dear.
This New Moon in Leo, surrender your small will to the Goddess. Review your value systems, the root of your actions.
Let your bright Leo-heart bring you into courageous alignment with radical self-love, and when Venus arises again as the morning star on August 21st, you too will rise anew. Stronger, and somehow more vulnerable to the beauty of life, for having disappeared.