Wounds Of The Innocent.
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Their small faces hide huge hearts, their love unbridled by hate.
They are unable to comprehend the ways of the world, allowing their gorgeous souls to follow love. Their vulnerability at times mistaken as weakness, they become punching bags for generations of pain.
They are wearing the wounds of their parents, pain that originated well before their beautiful souls entered this earth. As the screams accelerate, their gentle hearts ricochet. Unable to comprehend the hatred of the most cherished individuals in their world, they lose worth.
They blame themselves for the inability to rub balm on the broken hearts of their parents, to end generations of suffering.
Every punch a dangerous message of hatred, the cruel words become knives that wound their heart and soul. How can a gentle soul withstand the blows of a lifetime of rage? How can they remain true to themselves when their ears fill with messages of inadequacy?
These children were not born of hatred, it was taught. When cruelty is practiced repeatedly, it weaves into the fabric of their lives. When these little angels begin building a future, they recreate what they have experienced. Pain begins to feel like love, dishonesty a substitute for the truth.
Their souls buckle under the weight of hatred and betrayal.
Your words become their beliefs, your hatred their truth.
The cruelty of your hands will later be perpetuated by another.
With every word you speak, you are weaving their character; every glare burns straight through their soul. When who they are is repeatedly criticized and ignored, it becomes difficult to stand in the beauty of their authenticity.
Once their souls have become mired in dysfunction, they lose their light. No longer are they able to sense the innate goodness at the core of their being. It becomes a slow murder, the most beautiful and loving parts slaughtered to make way for hatred and violence.
The ways in which our wounds are projected on to the innocent go unnoticed. Memories of a tortured childhood become the guidebook for parenting. The hurtful words recycled without thought, blows to communicate a frustration felt 20 years prior.
The wounds we refuse to acknowledge will be worn by our children. All our innate hatred purged onto a gentle soul who cannot comprehend. The parts of self that you believe are unlovable will be reflected back to you in the eyes of your child.
You mistakenly believe this loving soul is your target, never realizing it is self-hatred that fuels the fire.
Self-love is the foundation of parenting. Healing your own childhood wounds ensures they will not be carried to the next generation. Every time you choose to love, it matters. Please do not allow your shattered spirit to become an excuse to break another’s.
These bearers of light know that love is the answer; the violence and hatred in which we currently operate silently breaks their spirit.
These beautiful angels with pained souls need all the support they can find. They are our homecoming, traversing this planet to bring messages of love.
Please do not break their spirit before their truth can be heard.
Cherish Osborne is a writer from Melbourne, Australia who is using her newfound self-love to set her life on fire. In a former life she studied both Psychology and a Master of Social Work, but discovered she was passionate about holistic healing and working with women on their own journey to self-love. Wander over and check out her blog.