Wanderlusting. {poetry}
I’ve thought about it for
a long time
I’ve come to the conclusion
that life
is just a series of minutes
I’ve come to the conclusion
that I’m going to stop calling my choices
I’ve come to the conclusion
that everything
is temporary
no matter how long we live
we will never
outlive the sound
of the cicadas
on that night in July
no matter
how hard we try
we will never
fall out of love
with the stars
no matter how much
we try to take it back
pieces of our souls
will always
be in love
with pieces of our past
so help me
make this even messier
than it was before
cleaning it up
will take too long
and be too painful
and maybe I’m naïve
and maybe I’m reckless
and maybe putting as much faith
in the Universe
as a toddler
puts in her mother
will ultimately be
just as disappointing
but I want
so desperately
to believe that love
is the answer
that I’m willing
to jump
without looking
and crawl back up
with scraped palms
and bloody knees
when no one but the ground
is there to catch me
just to jump
without remembering
what the question was
in the first place
in the hope that
I can prove it to you
I can prove it to me
but for now
let’s stop
for a definition
and just exist
as souls
in the same plane
and explore ourselves
and strange cities
and each other
let’s laugh
with the joy and innocence
of a child
on the first day of summer
at our potential
and at the cliché
of being
wanderlusting twenty-somethings
let’s lose patience
and our clothes
and make love
like it’s the first time
we’ve ever
discovered another’s body
let’s try
to make the world
a little less shitty
and not worry
about what tomorrow
is waiting to give us
because the only thing
it’s guaranteed to hold
is the memory of today
and maybe I’m young
and maybe I will change my mind
before I change the world
and maybe I fully reserve my right to do so
but for tonight
my mind is set
your eyes are sparkling
with a promise they may never keep
and my heart is dancing
to a song it’s never heard
and maybe
we’ll leave pieces of our souls
in this eternity
that will eventually
and inevitably
leave them here
in love
with this minute
that will blend
into the series of minutes
that will make up
our lives
if it means
that for today
we get to surpass surviving
even for just that minute
see what it’s really like
to live.
Kelly McGee is your typical twenty-something feminist who finds herself in a theater more often than not. She loves her old-Kentucky home almost as much as she loves chocolate, and most of her favorite things include large bodies of water. She believes rainy days are either for sleeping or dancing, traveling is a way of life, and writing is a release. She is constantly torn between wanting to be one of those damn hippies who wear long skirts and meditate, and a middle-aged party-wine mom who knits and makes a mean casserole, but is a boss-ass bitch when she needs to be. Her short-term goals include owning a toaster and getting her t-shirt back from her ex.
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