The Awakening Club: 3 Ways Separation Consciousness Sneaks In.

Ever since I was a wee little girl, I’ve had a knack for observation, particularly, observing duality.
Before it was a thing being talked about by an ever-growing conscious community of awakening souls. You see, I grew up in a Christian home with more black-and-white than a dairy farm in Arkansas.
Being an observer, I could clearly see when things didn’t match up, a gift that my parents, teachers, and coaches alike did not readily appreciate. Persevering through these dark times of my upbringing, I became very keen when dissonance prevailed.
Perhaps that’s because I’m a 22 in Numerology and I see everything as an opportunity to transcend, or maybe I just like a good intrigue, coming from British stock on my mother’s side. Alas, here’s what I see.
The spiritual awakening community, in all its effortless glory, has a single dualistic theme in common. That is the disconnect of othering — that there is surely something out there and it is not me. We all know about othering.
No matter what site you’re on, they’re talking about it. “They!” Ha! I love unity consciousness so much. So here are some prime examples to bring to your conscious awareness. Why? Because it’s spiritually entertaining and I love you.
1. Asking Guides and Spirits: I hear this one most frequently. You’re reading your 5D astrology and Bam, all of a sudden we go from unity consciousness to asking for help outside of ourselves. Huh? What? Where did that come from?
Since there’s nothing outside of you or me, there’s nothing outside of ourselves to call upon.
Sure, friends are wonderful and I do often connect with my late grandmother over a cigarette break, but honestly, reinforcing these misconceived spiritual ideas (albeit I adore Doreen Virtue) is really not beneficial on the path of awakening to unity of all creation.
You know, the one we already completed.
2. Experts, Leaders, and Mentors: Sure the Sensei is wonderful, but do we realize that we are our Sensei, and that all the brilliance we perceive in them is because we’re perceiving them with our own consciousness.
That koan we figured out? We wrote it. You wrote the script of your own life, you and me both. We’re in this together.
So, that hierarchy created in your mind because you’ve placed your Self under the care of an expert, leader, mentor, astrologist read on the daily, et cetera, can just be demolished now. Kaboom! We don’t need that kind of separation consciousness. They are you.
3. Us vs. Them: This one’s a shocker, but have you noticed that there are entire communities of people that believe that they are the chosen ones and that others are not and have not made it into the exclusive club of awakening? That’s us too.
You know, the ones that still have lack mentality and complain about money when you and I are only a thousand percent accountable to disciplining our minds to focus on abundance. The nerve for their existence!
Once and for all, I’d like to announce that there is no linear local time, even if you and I have been conditioned to believe that and what we’re seeing out there is an opportunity for us to transcend in here.
Yes, even the person that cut us off on the freeway this morning. You and I are in that form too.
As you can probably see, speaking about unity consciousness is a bit of an existential task. It’s fun knowing that I am you and you are me, and that, really, I am writing to my Self at some point along our non-local non-linear space-time continuum.
So, if you happen to be reading this and enjoying it, I hope, with a smile on your face and a tear of laughter in your eye, then thank you for being. In the end, friendship connects us to our core, and breath is all there is.
Everything else is just added mumbo jumbo to make the bounteous experience of life exciting, dramatic, and highly entertaining, if anything.
P.S. And if none of this made any sense whatsoever? That’s alright too. You still get to be in the awakening club after all.
Deiadora White is an author and entertainer of unity consciousness. Her journey of satirical spirituality began at a very young age and didn’t fully blossom until her Saturn Return. Now, three years later, she is spreading her wings to fly into unknown heights of abundance, love, and success. She spends her days writing, dining out, hiking, and contemplating quantum physics and teleportation. You can connect with her on Instagram and visit her site for more information on her latest book release and 5D Activation.
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