12 Ways To Feel Fully Alive In 2016.

I’m big on making the small things big, on stretching something ordinary into extraordinary. Why not enjoy the everyday stuff? Why not make the mundane magical?
I’m trying to set up my life where it feels like I don’t need a vacation from it.
I want my life to feel full of excitement, inspiration, joy and magic in the everyday moments. All it takes is some intention, focus and action.
So here is a list of 12 ways for this New Year, with which you can bring excitement and passion into your everyday life with the everyday people in it. It’s fun, easy, and I hope it will get your creative juices flowing.
When you’re happy, everyone is happy. It’s contagious and uplifting. So let’s get started.
1. Sign up for a class or activity that is all about fun. Not making money, not showing off how great you are, not about moving you forward. Do something that moves you inward, that fills your soul tank and ignites joy, peace and elation.
We are so focused on accomplishment, but this task is about experiencing aliveness, nothing else. Go take a painting class, an acting class, a music class, a moccasin-making class… anything… cooking, cleaning, love-making.
Just do something with the intention to feed your soul, not making money or getting ahead, although I’m well aware this is very likely to be a byproduct of feeding your soul, nothing but good comes from it.
2. Host a themed party with your friends and family. In my circle, I’m known for making people play games. I love them all… card games, board games, making up games.
Host a full-blown casino night, or Mexican Party night where everyone brings a Mexican dish and wears bright colors.
Host a Winnipeg Jets (our local team, but choose your favorite sporting team) Party where everyone comes and watches the game dressed in team colors or jerseys. Don’t forget… it’s a potluck.
3. Plan a weekend road trip somewhere with friends or family. It can be local or far. Maybe to the neighboring town or city. Spend a night, do the local activities. Go to the casino or winter festival or local attraction.
Maybe you heard of a great ski hill or bookstore or meal somewhere. Make that your destination. Enjoy! Stop along the way and take some fun pics.
4. Invite your friends and family to do a 30-Day Challenge of your choice. Pick one month in the year… February, March, June… whichever, and have some sort of health-inducing challenge.
Maybe it’s 30 minutes of exercise for 30 days, or 30 days of picture-taking, or 30 days of trying new recipes. Anything, make it fun and attainable. The goal is joy and aliveness.
5. Take a late night and moonlit walk. If you live where there is snow, throw on some snowshoes, put on a head lamp or grab some flashlights, and take a stroll. It’s really quite blissful and magical.
I do this weekly with my dog, and sometimes the hubby. To be honest, it’s kinda romantic.
6. Have a week-long Random Acts of Kindness challenge at work, with your family, or with friends. Make sure to take pics and share. Feel how good it feels to be kind and giving to others.
Buy someone in line behind you a coffee, put quarters in some shopping carts, give someone a compliment. Bring your grandma out for lunch. Shovel your neighbors’ driveways (or snow blow). This list is endless.
7. Create a romantic date night at home with the significant other in your life, or have a fancy dinner at home with friends. I mean, go all out here… candles, tablecloth, the fancy china, and of course your finest clothes.
Pretend you’re dressing for a wedding, and dress to the nines. Set the tone with jazz tunes, dim the lights, ignite the candles. Enjoy lusciousness. Order in, hire a private chef, or have a potluck.
8. Wake up early with the family or with friends. Get a blanket, coffee, muffins, donuts, and watch the sun rise.
9. Grab a blanket, go outside if you can, or by a big window, grab some vino, some bubbly juice or some sparkling water, and toast the sunset. Watch the magic of the day disappear, and enjoy the sparkling starlight.
10. Go to a new restaurant that you’ve always wanted to try. For me, there’s this fondue place I’ve always wanted to try, just to say I’ve been there and tried that. It’s something different, and something you wouldn’t do every day.
11. Find a local hot spot coffee shop, and invite your friends for coffee, dessert and connecting. Indulge your senses with it all. And you have to have dessert. This is about your senses. Chocolate and coffee are divine in your mouth.
12. Experience the arts. Spend an evening at the art gallery, or go to a play, or watch live theater. Go to the symphony, the ballet, or a live poetry night. Trust me, this will inspire the shit out of you.
And so it is.
All the best with making some magic in your lives.
Crystal Tardiff Chagnon is a Writer, Spiritual Teacher and Invoker of Magic into the Mundane. She specializes in bringing the sacred and divine moments into everyday life, and invites you to unleash your wild soul into your everyday reality. She specializes in Women’s Soul Journey, sacred art and creates unique daily rituals to connect to the Divine Feminine within, without and everything in between. You can follow her on her website.
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