Divine Woman. {poetry}

Oh Divine Woman,
Woman Divine
rooted to robust earth
and banded with heaven
reclaim your mystery, dear
to the moon cycle
and combine,
set forth to refine,
your spirit,
and your wisdom,
your voice,
your hands,
your energy,
your deep and steady
path to your
Sacred Feminine.
Banish exploitation.
Bust through the door of denial,
uncovered, unfiltered, and out from under that thumb.
Find your way, dear,
by honoring yourself.
Ground your feet,
your bare, vulnerable feet,
to channel within,
your luminous and pure connection.
Harness your essence,
for you have mourned her suspect absence long enough,
you need to move on now.
Your precious womb,
the origin, the vessel
of all creation
your heart-space filled, beating,
is just the beginning,
for it radiates,
it puts forth,
and lasting, righteous breath.
So breathe life,
just inhale what is delicious,
what fills your
Divine Soul.
Expel the malicious,
before it swallows you whole.
You —
Keeper of what is most Tender,
the Guardian of Love,
the Stewardess of Life,
the Sentry of the Soft Spirit,
You must hold her,
You must console her,
and nurture her too,
her inner workings,
you must fuel and stoke
the brilliant light within her that burns true.
And keep ever close
the bold
the fierce
the strong
the tough
keep it all, for you will need it all,
because when you fight for her
you fight for you
But do stay inside the quiet,
be as quiet as the wind,
for there is power in quiet,
retreat to still, dear,
and feel the power in stillness
If you seek it, you will indeed find it,
your divine feminine,
your feminine divine.
For you,
you are a Priestess,
a Goddess sent,
to conjure your own inception,
step now into the red tent
where the magic happens,
the blood, the tears,
the pain and poverty will serve you,
as you
bear down
to release your own fears
giving birth to the Universe
delivering your very own worth
and giving it up
raising it high
to the moon
and then back down —
down to the earth
again and again
clasp hands, sisters,
mothers, daughters, friends
and just circle ’round
entwine to build a wall of strength,
form a core, let it spiral,
let there be no end to the chain,
no end to wounded hands connected,
your hailed and hallowed posterity
your beauty, your clarity
shall remain,
as your spirits renew
For protecting her protects you —
to manifest her, you must manifest you —
When all that is in,
And all that is seen,
When all you will be,
And all you have ever been,
it will be by design,
that your infinite, indelible, mysterious parts align —
And you are,
you are
a Divine Woman
Oh, yes, you are,
you have become,
unraveled and unrivaled
Woman Divine.
Kimberly Valzania practices mindful gratefulness. She feels creatively driven to write about and share her personal experience and opinion on weight loss, fitness, life changes, adventures in parenting, day-to-day triumphs (and failures), and the truth-seeking struggle of simply being human. She believes that life is indeed a journey, and that precious moments appear (like magic) when you surrender, hold hands, and fling yourself into the great, wide, open.
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