Discover Your Inner Wild Woman.
Imagine stepping into a lush forest of ancient trees, footfalls softened by lichen.
The dappled sunlight reveals a clearing nestled in the heart of the forest. In the midst of it all is your inner wild woman.
She beckons to us from an instinctual place deep within the soul, and walks us home when we’ve lost our way.
Sometimes she reveals herself as an expansive feeling, letting you know that you’re on the right path. Other times, as a sudden onset of exhaustion when you’re caught in a situation meant to keep you small.
She reminds us that we are feral creatures, ones who shall not be tamed by the expectations of others.
Instead, we must heed her call to seek within ourselves the courage to attain true freedom in every area of our lives — a journey that is our life’s most authentic work of art.
The first leg of the journey is to accept and love ourselves as we are. Self-love is the foundation on which we build absolutely everything. Without it, we are more susceptible to the needy voices of our egos.
When we step away from our ego mind and into a place of compassion, we allow our true selves to blossom. This means wholeheartedly accepting our desires and releasing what no longer serves us.
A meditation to connect with your inner wild woman
Before we begin, brew yourself a pot of tea, light a candle or incense, and give yourself about 25 minutes of uninterrupted time. Set aside a pen and notebook for some journaling after the meditation.
Once you’re ready, sit in a comfortable position, then silently set the intention to meet your inner wild woman. Let your eyes gently close.
Breathe in and out, allowing yourself to be present in this space. Become aware of your body, and take note of any sensations that may arise. Breathe into the areas where you feel tension, and relax as you breathe out.
Repeat this until you feel comfortable in your body.
Notice the sounds and smells around you, accept them and let them go as you imagine walking towards an ancient and majestic tree. Once you arrive, go ahead and sit underneath its billowing shade.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a figure coming into view. She is your inner wild woman. As she approaches, notice her features — her face, her hair, and what she’s wearing. Familiarize yourself with her presence.
She smiles and waves at you. Say hello, and invite her to sit with you.
Ask these three questions to foster a deeper connection with her:
- What does being wild mean to you?
- What can I do right now to live more authentically?
- Is there anything else that you would like me to know?
Allow her to wrap up her last answer. It is time to part ways for now. As you’re leaving, she will hand you a gift. Thank her for her wisdom, give her a hug, and start to walk away from the tree.
With the awareness that you will be able to connect with your inner wild woman again, slowly return to your body. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes.
Journal about your experience. What was she like? Did anything surprise you?
Irene Tran is a seeker of authenticity, compassion and adventure. She embraces spirituality as a guiding light on her own wild woman journey. She is the owner of Wild Woman Wares, an online shop carrying products and resources, to support and empower wild women on their personal paths toward fulfillment. You could contact Irene on Instagram or her website.
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