Hope, Lethe, And The Angels Of Sleep. {poetry}

Lethe was the Greek goddess of forgetfulness and oblivion. She was the spirit of the river Lethe. Whenever someone died and went to Hades, they had to drink from the water so that they would forget their former lives when they were reborn.
Do you remember a time when you were truly happy?
Have you forgotten a song, a smell, a word that gave you hope?
There are billions of souls in this world. Each filled with an infinite amount of holes. Hurt. Tears. Feelings of inadequacy.
Regret. Remorse.
The world is full of keys and locks. Incomprehensible combinations of people, situations, feelings and (unavoidably) hairstyles. So what are you going to do?
This is not a love poem. This is a life poem. A hope song. A dream bird.
A whispered word that sets me free. How lucky I am to be me.
“Too often, the only escape is sleep.” ~ Charles Bukowski
When my soul is cold
On a warm summer’s night
When I crave the peace
In the hours before dawn
When I need the morning birds
To sing my heart alive
With their song
When the days get too long
And the sorrow too deep
I rest my head
Between the wings
Of the angels of sleep
As I close my eyes
I feel the imminent dayspring of hope
My unquiet restlessness subsides in the knowing
That the fire of my love will never stop glowing
I will not crumble under the iron fist of rejection, loss or my fears
I cannot any longer wash the feet of my demons with my tears…
Wrapped in sweet dreams of black and white madness
I dream that tomorrow,
The I miss you‘s will be less
And my cares will grow lighter
And the pressure in my chest less hyper
And I’ll breathe a little stronger
And I’ll smile a little longer
I know there is still so much life to embrace
And I know there is still so much pain to face
If only I could touch your skin
Hold your tired hands
On this helter-skelter journey of truth
We could find everlasting love
Taste it
Live it
Share it
Warm-hearted tenderness
The carry-you-on-my-back togetherness
I believe in the
Curing beauty of hope
When my heart sings the blues
And I cannot feel it
I search, and I search inside my darkness until I do
I have to…
Come as you are
And meet me there
Where hope flowers
We can love and bloom forever
We can love and make it through together.
We might be a little
and fighting to be free.
This song is for you.
Are you with me?
Marulé MacKay (pronounced ma-ROO-lay) is a baby from the dark side of the moon, who is in love with beauty. Everywhere. In music, lyrics, art. All around. She has a poignant romance with words and ideas, and uses these as the bricks and mortar of her dream world. She loves cream-dreamy chocolate. The smell of pine trees. The smell of the night. Leaves rustling in the wind. The wind, where voices become reality. She loves playing in the waves of the ocean. She thinks she may perhaps be a mermaid, craving subsurface silence. She is a traveler, foodie, explorer of emotions and mania, a sensualist by heart, and a friend of unicorns and rainbows. She has heart and love for all things. She is vulnerable yet with titan-strength, this allows her to live. Her desire is to share and connect with the restless and wild and sensitive bruised hearts of the lost souls. Make beauty, not war. You can reach her by email or on Facebook.
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