Call In The Magical Child Within You.

Woman! It’s Now time to collect her — the magical child within you. She is the wise one, whistleblower, playful witch and powerful creator. Do you remember her?
She is the one to cast spells on wayward spirits in the hope that they would find a way home. She is the one who will sing over the bones of the hurt and injured animals. She holds the power.
Call her in!
She is the one who will poke her finger at strangers who wear masks and hide the truth of who they are. She is the one to whisper protection riddles under her breath at the disruption that surrounds you. She is ready to be embraced.
Woman! You ache with truth and wisdom. You ache with brilliance and magic. You’re a living breathing universal fucking treasure. And…
You’re Now ready to embrace your fullness and stand upon the breast of earth for the world to see. You’re Now ready to express all the Godliness you hold within the walls of your heart.
Call her in!
She is the water and fire you crave in life. She is the one who aches at you each time you give the power away. She waits for you in the stillness of all the chaos and fear. She waits for you to embrace her — and tell her that it’s okay to be powerful. She is your guide through the rough and tough terrain that your soul is Now embarking on.
Trust her magic!
You will feel her poke you in the ribs when truth needs to be told. She will point the bone when needed. She’ll turn the fear of being powerful into fun and playful. She will bring brilliance and color to your life. Please don’t make the mistake of forgetting you’re a child in essence.
The power you hold as a woman is due to the remembrance of the magical child within you. Yes!
The truth is…
… the magical child within you is the one who holds all the ancient secrets and truth you seek. She is the knower, wise sage and magical healer. She is the cute witch who mixes concoctions with her fingers, and sits out under the tree in a rainstorm in order to feel the essence of life — to feel the Divine Mother!
Be with her. Take her in your arms, and welcome her power and truth. Call her back from the corners of the shadow, and tell her that it’s safe for her to be here. To be fully seen. Tell her… that you love her!
Tell her that it’s safe for her to caste her spells and sing her songs. Tell her that it’s okay to be magical!
For when you do…
… she will blow open the walls within you. She will grace you with a sense of integration, wholeness and light into your spirit. She will show you that it’s Not a burden to be Powerful. She will show you how much joy there is in turning coal into gold.
She will heal you into all the glory and power that is You.
She will bring you into a place of absolute reverence and strength with her pure magic and playfulness.
Be in awe of her, and she will bring you in awe of all the power that is within and around you.
Call her in!
Pia White is a Soulful Seeker, Writer, Intuitive Mentor and Artist who has traveled far and wide within both the inner and outer landscape. Her life path has been devoted to exploring the emotive strings that created her chaotic and soulful experiences in life, sharing these heart felt entanglements with others through creative expression, mentorship and storytelling. Her life has been full of adventure, chaos and delight. You will find her eating tahini out of a jar with carrots, meditating under trees, and stalking the ocean shoreline seeking the wisdom. She is learning to be unapologetically herself. You could contact Pia via her website, Instagram or Facebook.
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Call In The Magical Child Within You. | Archety...
March 13, 2016 at 2:21 pm[…] Call her in! She is the water and fire you crave in life. She is the one who aches at you each time you give the power away. She waits for you in the stillness of all the chaos and fear. She waits for you to embrace her — and tell her that it’s okay to be powerful. She is your guide through the rough and tough terrain that your soul is Now embarking on. […]