Calling Burning Women: A Lost Archetype Of The Feminine.

This is a call to the powerful woman. The crazy woman, the mad one, the witch, the hag.
The creative woman: the dancer, the poet, the artist. The sexual woman. The strident woman. The playful trickster. The passionate woman. The wild mother. She who follows her own spirit.
She who dares to put herself first, who shouts in the face of authority and follows her heart, not their god. She who dares to give voice to what is inside her, who shakes things up and burns them down.
She who quakes with rage and rolls with laughter, who moans with pleasure and wants more. She, for whom every piece of life needs to have the marrow of its bones sucked, who dances naked, and eats with her fingers.
She who stamps and says No. She who stands in the doorway and will not let them in. She who opens her legs and dives into her juices with delight. She who dares. She who does what they say cannot and must not be done.
She who tries and fails. She who does it her way. She who longs to walk topless in the sunshine and dance naked in the moonlight.
It is for her, and all of us, who long to be more like her wherever on the path we may be.
We who have sniffed the smoke as she walked past our door one hot summer afternoon and thought, I long to burn, but I mustn’t, I’m too afraid, too old, too young, too busy. I don’t know how. I’d lose my job, my husband would divorce me, my mother would disown me, my friends would laugh.
Our time has come. After millennia of hiding in the shadows, afraid of the smoke. Afraid that our bodies and souls will be put on the pyre if we dare to show the glory within us.
Our time has come to embody our burning. To step out in our magnificence.
Burning Women, arise!
These are burning times. And they call for Burning Women. Women embodied in their passion. Women feeling in their bodies. Creative women. Courageous women. Gather the women. Gather the men.
Let Burning Women and Burning Men come together in ecstatic creative partnership.
Whether we are called to be mothers in this lifetime or not, all of us as Burning Women are being called to help birth a new world by birthing ourselves. We sense it in our bones, feel the contractions in our bellies. It is our time.
Our birth into our own power is moving apace with the planetary birthing. At times the sheer intensity of the process, inside and out, can feel deeply overwhelming.
There are massive energies pulsing through us all right now. Many astrologers of all backgrounds are charting these shifts in the planets.
We, especially the highly sensitive amongst us, are experiencing wave after wave of grief, destruction, we are being called to let go and heal childhood traumas, disputes, family issues.
On a cultural level, economies are staggering, wars flaring, climate change bringing a constant deluge of extreme weather. Old power structures are falling.
Whether by divine design, because of a shift in the ages, or simply as part of our evolution as a species, we are experiencing change on a much faster level than ever before.
Something big, unnameable is moving through us all. A new consciousness which is still nameless and formless.
Those in the System would like us to share their belief that all these changes are not connected, that they are simply anomalies, isolated symptoms to be treated or preferably ignored, before the all-powerful Western capitalist patriarchal model goes on to ever greater heights and grand ejaculations.
Most are numb to it, caught in fear, denial or resistance.
But we, Burning Women, know this process intimately. Amongst Burning Women and Men, there is a fierce, quiet knowing that these are both the death pangs of the old, and the birthing pangs of the new.
Burning Women are the hearts and souls of revolution — inner and outer. We burn for change, we dance in the fire of the old, all the while visioning and weaving the new.
Where the patriarchy get hard for tradition and conservatism, Burning Women long for change, as an expression of the life force, ever-changing and growing. We are wild, elemental power, not your domestic supply.
We are connected to growth, to chaos. Dry bones and shells of old outworn ideals are not for us; we pick up the bones and throw them on the fire.
We are asking ourselves again and again in every area of our lives, from business to relationships, Do we want to be loyal to our own personal pain and history, or do we want to contribute to collective growth and healing?
Do we want to defend the old and outworn modes of power, government and engagement, which are being shown as impotent and dysfunctional, or are we willing to open to the unknown?
It is more than just our personal journeys, dearest Burning Women, though that is integral to this process. It is a shift in the global structure of power and the energy we run on. That change is not separate from us. It is one and the same thing.
The time is now. The air is thick with change. A collective roar is rising internally, ready to break through the old shell.
Just like birthing mothers and dying men, we need to stay out of fear, out of defense, resistance and retaliation. Breathe deep into our bellies, let go of our man-made minds and surrender to life.
Arise, Burning Woman… your time is now.
Lucy H. Pearce is the author of numerous life-changing non-fiction books for women, including her most recent, Burning Woman — an incendiary exploration of women and power — written for every woman who burns with passion, has been burned with shame, and in another time or place would be burned at the stake. Her other books include: The Rainbow Way: cultivating creativity in the midst of motherhood and Moon Time: harness the ever-changing energy of your menstrual cycle — both have been Amazon #1 bestsellers in their fields. Lucy’s work is dedicated to supporting women’s empowered, embodied expression through her writing, teaching and art. She lives in East Cork, Ireland, where she runs Womancraft Publishing — creating life-changing, paradigm-shifting books by women, for women. You could also contact her via her creativity and authentic living blog.