The Magick Of She: Yoga And The Dark Goddess.

Deep in a chasm, between the cliffs of desire and surrender, vibrates the Magick of She; this same electric prana emanates from your womb’s bloody marrow, and it is a power most feared.
To unleash the She-Magick is to unleash your will, and they told you this was unladylike. They told you of your rightlessness, and they drove rusty nails of dismissal into your already wounded heart. They said you were damaged goods, and they pretended to ignore you.
All the while, Gypsy Priestess, they kept their scornful eyes on you. Woman, they have been hoping, with all that they are, for your memory to be short, so, in this moment, I cry out for you to remember.
Call to your Witch’s mind all that you desire. Drink in the medicine of your passions, your dream of a world well-nourished, and your soul’s purpose as a wild woman. Now, open your legs to it all, and bleed on the ground. Know the merit of your body as akin to all the wealth of Gaia’s resources.
Your cells are Her priceless crystals, your juices Her waters, your bones Her mountains, and your skin Her loam.
Yogini, they told you the light of Spirit trumps the darkness of Soul, but Shiva is unmanifest without His Shakti. They told you meditation in stillness, ascension, and perfect alignment were the stuff of mastery, but consider these lies meant to keep your She-Magick contained.
Yoga begs you to seek out obstacles to your soul’s freedom and remove them from your world, and the Magick of She is your fiery fuel for this alchemical process. Roll in the mud and source transformation from your roots as much as your crown.
Dive deep into the Shadows and harvest the rage, grief, and woundedness from the fertile darkness, for herein lies the true work.
Light-worker, do not bury your darkness.
The Magick of She is bidding you like a Crone’s voice rising from underground, and it says this: Ascension to the light of Spirit without acknowledging the Dark Goddess is an act of futility. Woman, your blood is not dirty, and your Magick is not weak! Do not let them distract you with twinkling lights of promised redemption.
Call Her Lilith, Kali, Cerridwyn, or by any number of fearsome names. She lives inside of you, not as a loathsome demon, but as the Feminine Force of Change. She is volatile, and her beauty lies inward.
She will strike at your ego with a sharp blade, and laugh while you bleed out, for She knows your greatest work cannot be done without rebirth. She is the death-birth-death cycle, and, if you live only in the blinding light of Spirit, you will not see Her coming.
Young Dedicant, I am saying that you are a God-Star. You are the Divine, and the Divine is you. There is no external source of rescue, for you are our Witch Savior. Look to your depths, your regrets, and your fears.
Look to the parts of yourself that you do not show to the world, for these are the lessons your soul planted at your center long before you were born into this life.
Should you keep these unbeauteous gems buried, they will fester and rot inside of you, regardless of how sinless you try to be; such is the way of the predator disguised as a wise spiritual leader.
Awaken to your darkness by seeing it for what it is; these wounds must be viewed as gifts as much as your ability to sing, fuck, mother, or wax poetic. Woman, these wounds hold a purpose most grand, so let them teach you who you are and why you are here.
Let your power surge forth in a raging river of darkness ascending from your pelvic bowl as much as it does in a diamond-light, ethereal beam descending from your crown. Woman, you are She-Magick, and a single breath of yours holds all the power of the triple Goddess. Empty your lungs now, Witch, and sink into the void.
On your in-breath, become the sultry Maiden twisting bare-breasted in the temple. Hold the breath in your heart-center and become the Mother-Creatrix, belly swollen with that which has yet to be birthed. Exhale with force and be the wisest Crone-Grandmother, birthing then releasing her life before surrendering to death’s warm embrace.
Woman, you are both light and shadow, for you are everything. You, in this moment, are the perfect presence of both mystery and knowing, desire and surrender, sensual youth and aged wisdom. Do not let them tell you your She-Magick is an illusion.
Roll your tongue on the roof of your mouth, and know it is there. Rub the hard seed between your legs, and know it is there. Feel your inner-Witch poking at your sternum, and know it is there. This is the Magick of She, the alchemy of true liberation. This is you, and you are it. All blessings be.
Danielle Dulsky is a multi-passionate entrepreneur, energy-healer, Yoga teacher, multi-media artist, and magickal mentor. She holds the highest designation from Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT500, and is on a mission to inspire women to be fearless creators of their sacred work. She is the founder and creatrix of the Living Mandala Yoga teacher training programs, a Reiki Master in the Usui-Tibetan tradition, and long-time believer in Earth-based traditions. Her work is based on sensing and transforming energetic vibrations, empowering individuals to discover their potential for authentic abundance, using artistic practice intuitively, and holding space for women to unearth their inner goddess through the magick of sisterhood. Danielle leads women circles, witchcraft workshops, a teaching coven, and psychic development intensives in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania where she lives with her partner Ryan, sons Bodhi and Sage, and pet-familiars Jeepster and Raven. She believes that all women alive today are meant to be instrumental in supporting the return of the Divine Feminine. You could contact her via email.
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