When Did We Lose Our Dreams?

When did we stop letting ourselves feel fully and dream dearly? When did we decide that success is measured by a material made of paper?
When did we lose our intrinsic nature to encourage ourselves and ascribe self-doubt to our foremost attitude? When did we learn to forget how delicately different each of us is as we arrive to each and every moment?
When did we dare to diminish our own rights, letting others decide what we want, feel and perceive, in the pursuit of belonging? When did we start seeing life as something that we must survive, grappling with stressors that were made up in our own mind? When did we forsake the truth that we are all not only allowed, but called to thrive?
When did we make passion neurotic and art fanatic and health taxing? When did we manage to manifest our disease into the very earth that sustains our breath? When did we forget how precious the baby is in sleep or how the trees sing in the breeze or how the darkness is what allows us to see?
When did we forget that we are programmed to so literally to become the changes that we demand in others?
When did we forget the depth of our deviance and its ability to enliven us in individuality? When did we forsake ourselves and berate ourselves and train ourselves to be so cold to our very selves?
When did we begin believing that we were worth less than anything except extraordinary attitudes and intimate love and dreamy dances with destiny? When will we awaken again to the truth and let ourselves get blinded once more by all that is spectacular and serene?
It’s time to look within. It is time to take any step that we feel the tiniest call towards, even if we are terrified, lost or confused. There is no such feeling that is readiness. Readiness is a mindset. It is jumping off the ledge and building your wings on the way down.
Readiness is leaping into the unknown of your depths, of your soul, and allowing a new power from within you that has only been hoped for to take control.
You are always ready to dig deeper, to do that art project, to quit your job and go hiking for six months, to move across the country, to apologize to your beau, to call your estranged parent, to kiss your crush, to dance in public, to read your poems, to start that habit, to ask that person to be your mentor, or to move across the country.
You are always ready if you tell yourself you are. And it always begins when you remember that what you need most of all is to simply adore the only person you are responsible to: you.
Go and be daring and deviant. Let yourself fall in love with all that lives within you. The trick is always tricking ourselves into believing what we want is already ours for the taking. So go, and grab the bull by the horns. Make your world: transform it, adore it, question it, and explore it.
Devour the stuff that turns you inside out and calls you to bloom each and every day into the person that you have always dreamed of being. The truth is that it doesn’t matter when we lost course towards our dreams.
What matters is the moment that you realize that you want to change course, and taking the action, whether it’s monumental or tiny, towards the horizon line that calls to you most.
Rebekah Kolbe, aka The Moonchilde to her equally eccentric friends, is a writer and newb Yoga teacher in the Michiana area in passionate cultivation of a consciously loving and creative lifestyle. When she isn’t writing sassy and sappy personal essays or exploring esoteric psychology, adoring her loved ones, practicing Yoga, cooking, making music, or walking in the woods, she is working for the creatively philanthropic company called MudLOVE. To get connected to more of her musings, go here.
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