Allow Yourself To Remember We Are All Energy.

This may sound far fetched to you, but I often find that the following way of seeing oneself in the world has not only helped me face hardship or adversity, but also my clients and patients.
What if you understood that we are all energy, a bunch of molecules vibrating at different speeds with a variety of molecular compositions?
Like the H2O molecule (otherwise labeled as water), we can take on different forms — solid, liquid and vapor. What if we understood that like H20 in its forms, we have different abilities and limitations?
For example, our solid form is our body, which is very tangible, strong, yet also very defined and ultimately, breakable.
Our liquid form is represented in our thoughts, emotions or beliefs, which are less tangible, more malleable or more easily changed, as they can take different directions and have different meanings, and have a tendency to flow down to a lower level.
Our spirit, intangible as it is invisible, unbreakable, free, omnipresent, and able to soar high, represents our air form.
And what if, as a spirit, you decided you wanted to see what it is like to be in a body, with thoughts, emotions and beliefs?
You wanted to see what it would be like to live on earth, as an earthling, having a human experience, knowing that you were going to get both the good and the bad as part of the experience.
You knew that the bad could really get bad, yet you wanted to take the risk because the exquisite joy and pleasure of love was like no other experience you would have.
You also wanted to challenge yourself to see if you could go through the human experience and still remember that you were really a divine being who had taken on a human form for a short while.
You wanted to challenge yourself to see if you would remember that you, as a spirit, were not breakable, but that your body would be.
Of course, like the rest of us, you forgot. You were born remembering, but then your brain developed and you got exposed to the rest of the world and life’s trials and tribulations.
You learned that your value had to be proved and earned, that it was not a given. Your heart was broken and your thoughts manipulated, and you forgot.
You forgot, and kept looking outside of yourself for love and value.
For me, thinking this way does not negate or devalue any pain or hurt any of us may experience in our lives. Indeed, it enables us to honor and have compassion for whatever it is we do feel, without trying to judge it or change it.
It also allows us to see that every time we forget, we separate from our spirit, and therefore, from knowing that we are already whole and already divinely loved, so that we suffer even more.
The more we suffer, the more we look outside of ourselves for a solution, the more we separate, and so forth.
By allowing ourselves to remember, we allow ourselves the space to receive love, stop the cycle of suffering, and ultimately heal.
There are different ways to go about remembering. You can spend time out in nature, spend time with someone you love, and simply practice gratitude.
Here is a visualizing I use to get there sometimes, which I have also made into a healing meditation called Remembering:
Imagine a beautiful light is shining down from the heavens above.
Imagine another beautiful light is shining upwards from Mother Earth below.
As the two lights shine, they merge as they surround you in a cocoon of divine light.
Allow yourself to surrender into this light. Let it hold you and comfort you.
You can also imagine that within this cocoon of light, there exists a divine being — it may be a divine mother, father, friend or being of light.
This divine being holds you and comforts you, like a mother holds her infant. Surrender into their arms. Let your head rest on their chest as they completely support your body weight.
Then let go. Let go of your fears and doubts, and return back any other negative beliefs to the person you got it from. Let everything go with love. Let go of your attachments, expectations, grievances, or anger.
Let yourself relax into the love that holds you as long as you need, until you feel yourself relax and let go completely.
When your body relaxes, your body clears and your heart opens, the light pours into your body so that every cell of your being is vibrating with divine light.
You begin to remember, so you repeat these words: “I am a divine being living a divine life, and for this I am blessed.”
Trust me. Remembering simply feels better than forgetting.
Dr. Eva Selhub adopts an integrated approach to health and well-being. Using her intuitive counseling abilities and scientific knowledge, she uses both Western and Eastern healing techniques to coach individuals to discover happiness and well-being and create optimum health and resilience. Connect with her via Facebook and on her website.
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